
21–24 May 2017, Cádiz, Spain
TechnoHeritage 2017 (3rd International Congress Science and Technology for the Conservation of Cultural Heritage)

The conference offers:
-An interdisciplinary and international forum for discussions on all aspects of Cultural Heritage
-A special session focused on H2020 opportunities for Cultural Heritage topics
-A high-quality scientific programme including new emerging topics in Cultural Heritage such as: nanotechnology, underwater conservation and innovative monitoring techniques
-Publication of papers in indexed proceedings. In addition, a number of selected papers will be published in a high-quality journal with a high impact factor
-Reduced registration fee for students. In the case of undergraduate students, recognition of an academic ECTS credit
-An extraordinary venue for the conference. Cadiz, one of the oldest cities in Western Europe which preserves an important historical legacy, together with excellent beaches
-A fantastic social programme including a tour of a Sherry Bodega, a Gala Dinner with flamenco show and a guided tour of Cadiz
-The reduced registration fee includes lunches, the Gala Dinner and two different tours.

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