Best Paper Award

Dear Colleagues,

The editorial team would like to congratulate the winners of the Catalysts 2021 Best Paper Award, who were chosen by a selection committee chaired by the Editor-in-Chief, Prof. Dr. Keith Hohn. Following a review process by the Evaluation Committee, four winners were selected. The recipients of the “Catalysts 2021 Best Paper Award” are as follows:


Hydrogen Oxidation on Ni-Based Electrocatalysts: The Effect of Metal Doping

By Elena S. Davydova, Jérémie Zaffran, Kapil Dhaka, Maytal Caspary Toroker and Dario R. Dekel

Catalysts 2018, 8(10), 454;

Photocatalytic Hydrogen Production: Role of Sacrificial Reagents on the Activity of Oxide, Carbon, and Sulfide Catalysts

By Vignesh Kumaravel, Muhammad Danyal Imam, Ahmed Badreldin, Rama Krishna Chava, Jeong Yeon Do, Misook Kang and Ahmed Abdel-Wahab

Catalysts 2019, 9(3), 276;


A General Overview of Support Materials for Enzyme Immobilization: Characteristics, Properties, Practical Utility

By Jakub Zdarta, Anne S. Meyer, Teofil Jesionowski and Manuel Pinelo

Catalysts 2018, 8(2), 92;

Mechanistic Insights into Photodegradation of Organic Dyes Using Heterostructure Photocatalysts

By Yi-Hsuan Chiu, Tso-Fu Mark Chang, Chun-Yi Chen, Masato Sone and Yung-Jung Hsu

Catalysts 2019, 9(5), 430;

Please join us in congratulating the winners of Catalysts 2021 Best Paper Award. Each corresponding author will receive an award of 400 CHF, a certificate and an opportunity to publish one paper free of charge before 31 December 2021, after the normal peer review procedure in Catalysts. We would also like to take this opportunity to thank all of our authors for your continued support of Catalysts.

Kind regards,
Catalysts Editorial Office

Catalysts 2021 Best Paper Award

Eligibility and Requirements

– All papers published in Catalysts will be eligible (Both regular and Special Issue submissions).
Past Winners


Raffaele Molinari
Department of Environmental Engineering, University of Calabria, Rende, Italy


15 pages, 4990 KiB  
Heterogeneous Activation of Persulfate by LaMO3 (M=Co, Fe, Cu, Mn, Ni) Perovskite Catalysts for the Degradation of Organic Compounds
by Donatos Manos, Foteini Papadopoulou, Antigoni Margellou, Dimitrios Petrakis and Ioannis Konstantinou
Catalysts 2022, 12(2), 187; - 2 Feb 2022
23 pages, 2342 KiB  
Agro-Industrial Food Waste as a Low-Cost Substrate for Sustainable Production of Industrial Enzymes: A Critical Review
by Vishal Sharma, Mei-Ling Tsai, Parushi Nargotra, Chiu-Wen Chen, Chia-Hung Kuo, Pei-Pei Sun and Cheng-Di Dong
Catalysts 2022, 12(11), 1373; - 5 Nov 2022
28 pages, 6802 KiB  
g-C3N4-Based Direct Z-Scheme Photocatalysts for Environmental Applications
by Javier Fernández-Catalá, Rossella Greco, Miriam Navlani-García, Wei Cao, Ángel Berenguer-Murcia and Diego Cazorla-Amorós
Catalysts 2022, 12(10), 1137; - 28 Sep 2022

Award Committee

Dr. Keith Hohn Chairman
Kansas State University
Prof. Guido Busca
Prof. Chia-Hung Kuo
National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology


Jakub Zdarta
Institute of Chemical Technology and Engineering, Faculty of Chemical Technology, Poznan University of Technology, Poland
Yung-Jung Hsu
Center for Emergent Functional Matter Science, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan
Dario R. Dekel
The Wolfson Department of Chemical Engineering, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Israel
Vignesh Kumaravel
Institute of Technology Sligo, Ash Lane, Co.Sligo, Ireland.
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