10th Anniversary

The year 2020 marks the 10th anniversary of Biosensors, a peer-reviewed open access journal on the technology and science of biosensors. Biosensors has published more than 700 papers from more than 3110 authors. More than 1590 reviewers have submitted at least one review report. We value the contributions made by authors and reviewers. To celebrate this 10th anniversary, we are arranging a series of special contents and events. We hope you can join us to celebrate this milestone of our journal and enjoy the collection below.

Journal History

View the 10-year timeline infographic here. Trace the development of Biosensors from its origins with remarkable events.

The inaugural issue was released, and Biosensors was published as a quarterly journal.


Founding Editor-in-Chief Dr. Jeff D. Newman.

Biomedical Engineering Centre, School of Engineering, Cranfield University, UK


Biosensors was indexed in Scopus.


Citations became available in MEDLINE (PubMed), and full-text started archiving in PubMed Central.


Biosensors was indexed in the Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI—Web of Science).


Biosensors started its first Travel Awards project, sponsoring excellent scholars to attend acedemic conferences around the world.


Biosensors received its first CiteScore of 2.83.


Biosensors was indexed by the Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE-Web of Science).


The journal received a new CiteScore of 3.57 for the year of 2018, which ranked 18/113 in the category of “Clinical Biochemistry”.


Biosensors received its first Impact Factor of 3.240 and a Citescore of 4.4 for the year of 2019.

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Editor-in-Chief Dr. Giovanna Marrazza


The 1st International Electronic Conference on Biosensors

The conference, sponsored by the journal was inaugurated by Dr. Giovanna Marrazza and Dr. Sara Tombelli, followed by four live online sessions.


Celebration Activities

Biosensors 2020 Young Investigator Award (2,000 CHF)

Nominations for the award which will be given to one young investigator in recognition of his/her excellence in the field of biosensors and biosensing, are now closed. Winner will be announced at the end of December 2020. 

Biosensors 2021 Travel Awards (800 CHF)

Biosensors will be awarding 2 Travel Awards for junior scientists to attend an international conference related to the science and technology of biosensors and biosensing to be held in 2021. Please apply before 31 January 2021.


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Anniversary Special Issues

Biosensors: 10th Anniversary Feature Papers submission deadline 15 Dec 2021 | 6 articles | Viewed by 24774 | Printed Edition available
Women in Biosensors
edited by
submission deadline 30 Nov 2022 | 8 articles | Viewed by 30195

Special Issue Collection

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