
17–25 September 2013, Bergün, Switzerland
International Conferences: Changes in Alpine and Arctic Flora under Climate Change

--> First conference: International Tundra Experiment ITEX--More than 20 years of tundra vegetation change research (17.-20. September 2013).
The ITEX network has focused on the impacts of climate change on plant species in tundra and alpine vegetation. We welcome all researchers to this conference who are interested in changes in arctic and alpine tundra. Contributions are welcome that range from observations of variability to experimental manipulations.

--> Second conference: Faster, Higher, More? Past, Present and Future Dynamics of Alpine and Arctic Flora under Climate Change (22.-25. September 2013).

The conference aims at

  • presenting current research in climate-driven changes in species distribution in alpine and arctic environments
  • linking research efforts across disciplines and regions
  • discussing potential implications on conservation efforts and land management in the respective areas.

The conference is open to all interested researchers and practitioners.

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