Outstanding Reviewer Award

Dear Colleagues,

The Agronomy Editorial Board and Editorial Team would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the time and energy dedicated by our reviewers to assessing the manuscripts submitted to the journal in 2019. With their support, we have been able to publish many interesting, high-quality papers in Agronomy, and a quick peer-review process has been maintained consistently.

Two reviewers have been selected on the basis of the timeliness, quality, and speed of their review reports. Each of them will receive a chance to publish one paper in Agronomy free of charge before 31 December, 2020, 500 Swiss Francs, and a certificate:

Dr. Agnieszka Synowiec
Department of Agroecology and Crop Production, University of Agriculture in Kraków, 31-120 Kraków, Poland

Dr. Thorsten Kraska
Institute of Crop Science and Resource Conservation & Field Lab Campus Klein-Altendorf, University of Bonn, 53359 Rheinbach, Germany

If you are interested in reviewing articles for Agronomy, please register your contact details, including your ORCID identifier, institutional affiliation, a short CV, and 5–6 keywords in line with your expertise at the following link: https://susy.mdpi.com/volunteer_reviewer/step/1. The managing editors will send you a notification once approved.

Agronomy 2019 Outstanding Reviewer Award

Eligibility and Selection Criteria

– All of the reviewers for Agronomy in 2019 will be automatically included.
– Number of review reports;
– The quality and timeliness of review reports.
Past Winners


Dariusz Gozdowski
Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Poland
Ke Liu
Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture, University of Tasmania, Launceston, Australia
Józef Sowiński
Institute of Agroecology and Plant Production, Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences, Wrocław, Poland
Christopher Guppy
School of Environmental and Rural Science, University of New England, Armidale, Australia

Award Committee

Prof. Leslie Ann Weston Chairman
Charles Sturt University


Ewa Ropelewska
The National Institute of Horticultural Research, Poland
Marek Rašovský
Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Slovakia
Vasileios Greveniotis
Hellenic Agricultural Organization Demeter, Institute of Industrial and Forage Crops, Greece
Prakash Jha
Kansas State University, USA


Naveen Dixit
University of Maryland Eastern Shore, USA
Enrico Vito Perrino
Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari, Italy
Moritz Von Cossel
University of Hohenheim, Germany
Sushil Thap
University of Central Missouri, USA

Award Committee

Prof. Peter Langridge Chairman
University of Adelaide
Prof. Dr. Christos G. Athanassiou
Prof. Youssef Rouphael
University of Naples Federico II
Agricultural University of Athens


Agnieszka Synowiec
University of Agriculture in Kraków, Poland
Thorsten Kraska
University of Bonn, Germany


Pedro Revilla
Misión Biológica de Galicia (CSIC), Spain


Michael J. Emes
University of Guelph, Canada
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