Gender, Race and Diversity in Organizations

A section of Administrative Sciences (ISSN 2076-3387).

Section Information

The section ‘Gender, Race, and Diversity in Organizations’ publishes original research, perspectives, and reviews regarding new insights of empirical studies, policy development, and theoretic advance of the diversity in organizations and society domain. The journal values scholarship from the Global North and Global South, and contemporary debates around coloniality and decoloniality. The journal welcomes macro level issues that help explore inequality and limited opportunities for women; the importance of multiple feminism(s); new social movements; and how state governments devise equality policies, including SDG and equality policies. At the organization level, valuing diversity and social justice is essential in a modern and cross-cultural world, and our understanding on these issues is crucial for a responsible and ethical management. Leading for inclusion and devising equality and economic growth policies for all is essential for sustained economic growth. This section will particularly welcome contributions on gender, race, migration, refugees, and displaced workers as part of broader societal change and the respective social change in organizations. Finally, scholarship is welcome that explores and enhances feminist research methods that incorporates race, difference, and reflexive accounts of gender, feminist, and women’s research.

Contributions are welcome that focus on the public, private, NGO, and international organizations sectors, for example, UN Women and the ILO.


gender, race and diversity; equality and ethics; feminism(s) and society and social change of management; cross-cultural studies, migration management; marginalized workers; refugees

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