Advanced Air Mobility and Evolution of Mobile Networks
:1. Introduction
2. Advanced Air Mobility Ecosystem—Conditions, Services, Needs and Requirements
- human mobility—air-TAXI, recreational/tourist/sightseeing flights (singly or in swarms), medical transport (air-ambulances), mobility of public personnel (including public security services);
- goods mobility—cargo transport, parcel delivery, medical transport (medicines, blood, organs for transplantation, samples for analysis, etc.), food transport, transport of smaller animals (e.g., to a veterinary clinic and back);
- data collection—monitoring of environmental parameters (temperature, humidity, air quality, etc.), acquisition of data from distant off-line sensors, acquisition of still images, mobile network data acquisition/3D coverage survey or monitoring, coverage and interference surveys for Industrial, Scientific, Medical (ISM) bands communication technologies, e.g., Long Range Wide Area Network (LoRaWAN), biodiversity monitoring (animals, plants, environmental changes), surveys of exhaust fumes emitted by building chimneys and detection of burning prohibited substances;
- task/process automation—photogrammetry (e.g., for geodesy/cartography, agriculture, forestry, inventory of buildings, and inventory of flora for biodiversity monitoring, disaster detection), infrastructure inspection, equipment tracking, surveillance (criminals identification and chasing, pandemic management via identification of the infected people, etc.), situational awareness.
- WiFi for passengers through an aggregated mobile access of an AAM aircraft;
- Augmented Reality (AR)/Virtual Reality (VR) for sightseeing flights passengers, medical personnel or public (security) services;
- intra-swarm multimedia communication for passengers;
- cargo tracking;
- Real-Time (RT) monitoring of patients’ vital signs in air ambulances;
- RT monitoring of sensitive cargo (medical transport, food, live animals, special shipments)—both using sensors (temperature, pressure, etc.) and multimedia streaming;
- still images acquisition associated with geofencing (for imaging-restriction areas);
- acquisition of diverse geo-tagged data with on-board sensors;
- relaying of stationary off-board sensors data;
- RT multimedia streaming from a remotely controlled audio/video acquisition system for remote inspection/awareness.
3. Related Work
- Release 17: included in standardisation (release completed).
- Release 18: work in progress.
- Release 19: scope candidate use cases waiting for approval at the end of 2023.
4. Key 5GS Support for AAM Operations
- “All-IP”—Separation of network access layer and services layer. The former is based on the unified IP packet network. Services are built upon the IP-based access. The approach has been introduced to mobile networks with 4G. However, to enable very low power consumption devices, User Equipments (UEs) using only the services based on network signalling without implementation of IP stack for user data, are also supported in 5GS.
- Communication network softwarisation—Formerly, the mobile network used to be implemented with monolithic telecom infrastructure using proprietary, application-specific hardware (HW) and closed interfaces. The fundamental assumption of 5GS is softwarisation of the communication network architecture functional entities using the commodity HW. Consequently, it is possible to achieve flexibility, scalability, (re-)programmability, and a high degree of automation of the network.
- Virtualisation—Decoupling of software (SW) and HW by a HW virtualisation layer. SW is not run on a dedicated HW but on virtualised resources exposed to it (also dynamically scaled), based on a pool of physical resources behind the virtualisation layer. SW and HW life cycles are therefore separated; it is possible, e.g., to perform expansion or maintenance activities of HW without impact on SW.
- High modularity—The 5GS architecture has been modularised with high granularity, which serves to implement exactly the functionalities that are needed instead of occupying resources with largely unused ones. In this way, network functions can be individually placed as close as possible to the focal points of demand and also individually scaled. An additional factor is the Control and User Plane Separation (CUPS) principle, thanks to which the handling of control traffic in Control Plane (CP) and user traffic in User Plane (UP) can be treated and optimised separately.
- Service-Based Architecture (SBA)—The 5GS Core Network (CN) CP is designed as a set of interconnected Network Functions (NFs) producing and consuming services according to “subscribe-notify” and “request-response” mechanisms upon the RESTful APIs, JSON serialisation, and HTTP/2. The inter-Network Function (NF) communication in CP is provided and managed by a message broker, which also allows to logically partition CP or manage the access of individual CP Network Functions (NFs) to each other.
- Network exposure—The network control mechanisms of CP are to be exposed to the external third-party systems, e.g., vertical industries’ ICT environments. Additionally, the “embassies” of trusted systems (some functional modules, e.g., for mediation with PLMN) can be directly embedded in CP due to the concept of generic Application Function (AF) interacting with the native CP NFs according to SBA mechanisms.
- Network Slicing (NS)—The implementation of the “all-IP” 4G network revealed the problem that the requirements of different services with sometimes extremely different specificities are irreconcilable in the unified UP architecture, which in consequence does not provide satisfactory services support by PLMN. Therefore, the NS approach was proposed in which certain common CP mechanisms (e.g., mobility management, user data session control, user capabilities subscription management, network capabilities exposure, etc.) can be extended, using SBA ones, with some service- or application-specific features, and the user traffic can be treated separately in a UP chain architecture adapted specifically to the service or application. The atomic functions to compose the UP traffic handling chain can involve deep packet inspection, traffic forwarding or redirection, flow duplication and parallelisation to improve reliability, packet selective marking, enriching or altering, packet classification and encapsulation, firewall, anti-virus protection, parental control, etc. This way, PLMN evolves from a universal network to a “federation” of virtual parallel networks (“network slices”) over a shared infrastructure and common control mechanisms. NS is also supported by QoS control and traffic prioritisation mechanisms. The wide implementation of NS, however, is significantly delayed by its technical complexity as well as the legislative implications of the regulations related to the “network neutrality” concept. The latter can potentially limit the deployment of NS-based services over the public network to mitigate their potential impact on consumers of internet access services [35].
- Management and Orchestration (MANO)—The 3GPP-compliant European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) MANO orchestrator [36] provides the network operators with the mechanisms to dynamically orchestrate and manage network slices with their components—the functionalities of critical importance in the context of infrastructural resources usage optimisations, slices’ Service Level Agreement (SLA) maintenance and adaption of the deployed slices to the network workloads, etc. From the business perspective, the ability to deploy network slices and expose relevant management interfaces to the tenants in a fast manner positively contributes to both the cost as well as Time To Market (TTM) for the vertical customers’ services.
- Direct inter-UE communication—The capability of direct communication between UEs in proximity. The same radio interface is used as in the case of the link between UE and the base station. The cross-PLMN communication is also assumed (exchange between UEs attached to different PLMNs).
- Network performance—5GS is designed to offer a significant communication performance that includes peak data rates of 20 Gbit/s in the downlink and 10 Gbit/s in the uplink, user-experienced data rates up to 100 Mbit/s, close to 1 ms latencies in the radio access layer, area traffic capacity of 10 Mbit/s/m2, support for up to 1 million devices per km2, and top spectral efficiency of 30 bit/s/Hz. The network also should support objects’ mobility up to 500 km/h with zero interruption time, which should be sufficient for the vast majority of AAM use cases [37,38].
- SBA-based CP, using message broker—Service Communication Proxy (SCP) for signalling exchange to which all other CP NFs are connected (discussed below, shown in Figure 3 as individual NFs or grouped functionally for convenience); Network Repository Function (NRF) provides the connected NFs repository to be used, e.g., during a CP service producer discovery by a consumer NF.
- Access and mobility management—both RAN with base stations and the Access and Mobility Management Function (AMF) entity, which acts as a UE and RAN nodes signalling termination point and their entry (gateway) to CP mechanisms. Particularly, AMF manages the UE mobility mechanisms, e.g., handovers.
- User traffic handling—composed by global Policy Control Function (PCF) and pairs of User Plane Function (UPF) and its own Session Management Function (SMF)—both separated according to CUPS. UPF, tailored to service specificity, is terminated in a specific Data Network (DN), e.g., public Internet, non-public IP network, etc. PCF controls, e.g., UE QoS) according to the user subscription.
- Authentication and authorisation—of both customers—Authentication Server Function (AUSF) and UE—5G Equipment Identity Register (5G-EIR): stolen terminals, terminals’ capabilities, etc.
- Data management—group of NFs providing general user and network data management and storage mechanisms served commonly to various CP NFs: Unified Data Management (UDM), Unified Data Repository (UDR), and Unstructured Data Storage Function (UDSF).
- Network slicing—NFs that may include such network slicing-supporting entities like: Network Slice Selection Function (NSSF)—used during slice request by UE, Network Slice-specific and Stand-alone non-public network Authentication and Authorisation Function (NSSAAF)—slice-/application-specific authentication and authorisation mechanisms, and Network Slice Admission Control Function (NSACF)—UE admission control mechanisms. These NFs together with SMF/UPF pair constitute a network slice instance.
- Network data analytics—mechanisms of network events/performance data collection, mediation, storage, and analytics: Data Collection Coordination Function (DCCF), Messaging Framework Adaptor Function (MFAF), Analytics Data Repository Function (ADRF), and NetWork Data Analytics Function (NWDAF), respectively.
- Location—extension of 5GS CP providing a network- and UE-assisted LoCation Services (LCS) framework [40].
- Edge computing/Multi-access Edge Computing (MEC) support—functions for integration of 5GS with edge computing frameworks [41], including ETSI MEC.
- Short Message Service Function (SMSF)—service management subscription data checking and charging, messages relaying and delivering.
- AF—application part embedded in 5GS CP to interact with 3GPP CN in order to provide services.
- Network Exposure Function (NEF)—entity acting as a CP gateway for external systems and AFs non-native for 5GS CP, but embedded therein. It offers, i.a., exposure of capabilities and data, secure provision of information from the external system to 3GPP network, and translation of exchanged internal-external information.
- UAS NF—functionality supported by NEF for external exposure of CP services and data to UTM [16]. It may be either implemented as a specialised NEF or embedded in a multi-purpose NEF.
- Vertical applications—The implementation of 5GS functions’ northbound interfaces follows the common unified rules specified within, i.a., Common API Framework for 3GPP northbound APIs (CAPIF) [42], which allows secure APIs exposure in two ways (5GS to the third parties, and third-party APIs to the 5GS CP). The CAPIF framework also unifies the mechanisms of AFs on-boarding/off-boarding, service discovery, service management, event subscriptions, security and charging aspects. The other mechanism that leverages vertical applications development, deployment and integration is the Service Enabler Architecture Layer (SEAL) framework, which exposes common service enablers and CAPIF-compliant APIs for verticals. The currently standardised services include the management of groups (creation of groups of devices, e.g., for group communication), location (providing device location from 3GPP and non-3GPP source), identity and key (authentication, authorisation of users and devices), and network resources (application-specific usage and monitoring of resources utilisation by devices) [43]. The SEAL framework also supports distributed deployments and inter-service communication between different SEAL servers for improved spatial availability (e.g., for the purpose of location-based group management).
- Edge environments—3GPP proposes specialised CN and UE functions as well as relevant interfaces to facilitate the interactions of clients with the applications deployed at the network edge. The exposed capabilities include application servers discovery, provisioning of information regarding registration, configuration and connection to the edge services, support for service continuity, charging, exposure of 5GS CP mechanisms, etc. [44]. One of the most promising edge solutions, interworking with 5GS, is MEC. In addition to providing the ecosystem for management and orchestration of edge applications, MEC exposes several APIs to leverage vertical services, which include, i.a., Radio Network Information [45] (PLMN information, radio network measurements), Location (device location, information on distance to specific location or device, zonal presence) [46], UE Identity (identifiers allowing UE specific traffic rules in the MEC system) [47] or Traffic Management [48] (per application session data rate management) API. It has to be emphasised, however, that 3GPP provides a generic solution to enable the application-level integration with any third-party edge solution to provide openness and a high degree of flexibility of deployment for vertical edge applications.
- UTM ecosystem—The interconnection between the 5GS-UTM ecosystem is implemented by the specialised 5GS CP function called UAS NF. UAS NF plays the role of a mediator between 5GS and UTM by facilitating data exchange between entities as well as joint operations. It supports the mechanisms for remote identification, UAV authentication and authorisation (during 5GS network registration, data session establishment or UAV-GCS pairing), UAV flight authorisation, UAV and GCS authorisation, procedures for re-authentication/re-authorisation and revocation on the UTM’s request, location reporting of individual UAV or a list of UAV in a specified area, establishment and control of requested QoS/traffic filtering for C2 communication, or UAV presence monitoring. UAS NF can also implement and expose the CAPIF-compliant interfaces to the UTM ecosystem, as long as CAPIF is deployed in the network.
- NTN systems—3GPP works intensively on integration of NTN components—Geostationary Earth Orbit (GEO), Low Earth Orbit (LEO), and Medium Earth Orbit (MEO) satellites, High Altitude Platforms (HAPs)—into 5GS to accommodate most pressing NTN applications identified so far: coverage extension, IoT, disaster communication, global roaming, and broadcasting [49]. The consolidated functional and QoS-related satellite service requirements have been established (e.g., delay, expected data rates, traffic capacities) with the most elevated ones for airplane connectivity (360 Mbps downlink, 180 Mbps uplink, planes flying at maximum speed of 1000 km/h) [50]. The scope of NTN RAN is so far limited to a bent-pipe or relay communication mode [51]. Currently, 5GS provides support for NTN in terms of recognition of NTN access by UE, identification/restriction of using satellite 5G radio access, integrated access and backhaul, discontinuous network coverage for satellite access, high latency communication, UPF deployment on satellite (enabling edge computing and local UE–UE communications). Also, the guidelines for extraterritorial 5GSs have been established [52]. The future work proposed for the scope of the 3GPP Release 19 [53] will be focused on 5GS support for new use cases such as store and forward for a delay-tolerant/non-RT IoT in remote areas, ephemeral satellite access-based emergency reporting, UAVs connectivity over satellite access, video streaming, exploiting satellite connectivity to collect supplementary information, i.a., to aid service differentiation for UEs via satellite access.
- Operating frequencies and capacity—5GS is designed to operate in two frequency bands referred to as FR1 (410–7125 MHz) and FR2 consisting of two sub-bands FR2-1 (24,250–52,600 MHz) and FR2-2 (52,600–71,000 MHz) [54,55]. While FR1 and FR2-1 bands are licensed, the FR2-2 is available for unlicensed operation, depending on the regional and/or country-specific regulatory requirements. The available channel widths are: in FR1 (sub-GHz) 5–35 MHz (5 MHz steps), in FR1 (>1 GHz) 5/10/20–100 MHz (depending on a specific band, n × 5 MHz steps), in FR2-1 50/100/200/400 MHz, and in FR2-2 100/400/800/1600/2000 MHz. For the assumed peak spectrum efficiency of 30 bit/s/Hz [38], the indicative maximum total capacity is 30 Mbit/s per every 1 MHz of used bandwidth. Additionally, bands aggregation (so-called “carrier aggregation”) is possible, up to 6 bands in FR1 and up to 2 bands in FR2.
- Spectrum properties and outcomes—5GS operates in a very wide spectrum of frequencies resulting in the occurrence of different radio propagation-related phenomena and their varying intensity, which affect the transmission range. The primary effects that impact the link budget include path loss (i.e., the loss of power due to radio signal propagation, increasing with frequency and distance), scattering (e.g., due to atmospheric conditions like rain or mist), absorption, etc. While the 5GS FR1 frequencies enable maintenance of considerable coverage ranges (over km), the wide-scale exploitation of FR2 poses significant challenges, mostly due to tremendous signal losses (e.g., non-VLOS urban scenario indicated the effective range of approximately 50 m to maintain the throughput of 1 Gb/s for transmission at 27 GHz) [56]. As a consequence, each of the above-mentioned 5GS frequency ranges will play a different role in an overall network picture, i.e., sub-GHz FR1 is expected to cover large areas with relatively low capacity (scarcely populated rural areas), the rest of FR1 band is destined to provide high-capacity city-wide coverage, while the highest FR2-1, FR2-2 will deliver ultra-high gigabit speeds and low latencies on very short distances (applicable mostly in campus network deployments) [57].
- Specific support and RAN-related enablers—The already described 5GS NS is an E2E concept, i.e., it applies both to CN and RAN. While the slicing in CN is well defined, the latter is left to the equipment vendors, which opens the way for the inclusion of dedicated support for specific use cases, if needed. RAN slicing is usually achieved by implementing traffic handling policies and relevant prioritisation (e.g., special treatment of AAM traffic) in the base station at the scheduler level to meet QoS targets for each slice. It must be noted that 3GPP also does not specify the architecture of the RAN controllers. This approach allows for using third-party solutions such as Open RAN (O-RAN), which provides the support for generic RAN optimising applications (so-called xAPPs) that can be tailored to the AAM benefits and specific needs [58]. Moreover, 3GPP proposes several RAN mechanisms to address the elevated performance requirements. One of the common concerns regarding 5GS-based AAM is the aspect of coverage provisioning. To this end, 5GS provides functionalities of beam management (beam forming, steering, selection) [51] that enable the improvement of the quality of transmission between UE and the base station. For today, however, the means for leveraging this mechanism in cooperation with UTM is very limited (no interfaces to request coverage adaption in the area of concern directly is defined).
5. Evolution towards 6G and Perspectives for AAM
- Holographic communications—based on laser beam producing 3-Dimensional (3D) RT motion images (holography) to be used, i.a., for immersive telepresence and 3D FPV. Enabling full holographic support requires data rates in the order of 1–5 Tbps, E2E latency less than 1 ms, and transmission jitter less than a microsecond to provide concurrent multiple viewing angles’ streams timing synchronisation, and extreme reliability in most challenging use cases (e.g., remote surgery).
- Multisensory xR—a class of applications that includes AR, VR, and Mixed Reality (MR), i.e., merging physical and computer-generated environments, where objects of both can co-exist and interact in real time. The required data rates are in the order of multiple Gbps up to 1 Tbps, and the E2E latency <15 ms.
- Tactile Internet—haptic interaction of humans or machines with machines used in the manufacturing industry, for telepresence and teleoperation, healthcare (especially telesurgery), an extension of VR/AR. Fundamental requirements here encompass sub-millisecond latency and high security.
- Brain-Computer Interaction (BCI)—enabling interaction of humans with their environment and other people using discrete devices (worn, implanted, or in ambience). High data rates and reliability with ultra-low latency are required. Similarly to the two former ones, the requirements have a stringent perceptual aspect stemming from human neurophysiology of senses and cognition; much more sensitive and thus demanding, however.
- Digital twin—the concept of virtual digital replicas of physical objects, systems, or environments, enabling the simulation of phenomena to be used in research, behavioural prediction, education, medical practice, etc. While it will exist in a computation environment, it can use holographic communications, multisensory xR or haptic mechanisms to interact with the human user, inheriting thus their service requirements.
- Teleoperated driving and unmanned mobility—human control of remote vehicles, also as an option for semi-autonomous vehicles or backup for autonomous vehicles when the autonomous mode fails, or immediate response to danger is necessary. It can be used for land or airborne use cases (especially in far or dangerous areas), but also in deep-sea operations or space exploration. The requirements feature extremely high data rates, low latencies, and high levels of communication reliability, integrity, privacy, and security.
- Connected robotics and autonomous systems—they include autonomous cars and ground vehicles, vehicle platoons, drone-delivery systems, autonomous drone swarms, and autonomous robotics. The requirements include the E2E reliability above 99.99999% and sub-millisecond latency at mobility up to 1000 km/h.
6. Evolution of Mobile Systems Support of AAM Requirements
- Data rate: 1–5 Tbps (holographic communication, 6G), <1 Tbps (multisensory xR, 6G), several Gbps (uplink, near-RT photogrammetry), 1.1 Gbps (remote robots), 0.1–1 Gbps (AR/VR), 10 s–100 s Mbps (downlink, on-board broadband connectivity sharing), 120 Mbps (uplink, RT multimedia video surveillance, very high definition FPV for remote pilot), 3.2 Mbps (the most demanding C2 mode—approaching autonomous navigation infrastructure);
- Latency (delay): <1 ms (holographic communication, tactile Internet, connected robotics and autonomous systems, all 6G), 2 ms (remote robots), 10 ms (AR/VR, the most demanding C2 mode—approaching autonomous navigation infrastructure), 20 ms (RT multimedia video surveillance and FPV for remote pilot), 40 ms (C2 for manual steering), 500 ms (connectivity to UTM);
- Delay jitter: <1 s (holographic communication, 6G);
- Reliability: 99.99999% (connected robotics and autonomous systems, 6G), 99.99% (RT multimedia video surveillance and FPV for remote UAV pilot, AR/VR), 99.9% (remote robots, most C2 modes, connectivity to UTM); note: according to 3GPP, reliability is “in the context of network layer packet transmissions, the percentage value of the packets successfully delivered to a given system entity within the time constraint required by the targeted service out of all the packets transmitted” [50].
7. Summary and Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
2D | 2-Dimensional |
3C | Communication, Computing and Caching |
3CLS | Communications, Computing, Control, Localisation and Sensing |
3D | 3-Dimensional |
3GPP | 3rd Generation Partnership Project |
5G-EIR | 5G Equipment Identity Register |
5GS | 5G System |
6GS | 6G System |
AAM | Advanced Air Mobility |
ACJA | Aerial Connectivity Joint Activity |
ADRF | Analytics Data Repository Function |
AF | Application Function |
AI | Artificial Intelligence |
AIaaS | Artificial Intelligence as a Service |
AMF | Access and Mobility Management Function |
API | Application Programming Interface |
AR | Augmented Reality |
ATM | Air Traffic Management |
AUSF | Authentication Server Function |
BCI | Brain-Computer Interaction |
BVLOS | Beyond Visual Line of Sight |
C2 | Command and Control |
C4 | Communication, Computation, Caching and Control |
CAPIF | Common API Framework for 3GPP northbound APIs |
CN | Core Network |
CP | Control Plane |
CUPS | Control and User Plane Separation |
DAA | Detect And Avoid |
DCCF | Data Collection Coordination Function |
DN | Data Network |
E2E | end-to-end |
EASA | European Union Aviation Safety Agency |
eMBB | Enhanced Mobile Broadband |
ENI | Experiential Networked Intelligence |
ETSI | European Telecommunications Standards Institute |
EU | the European Union |
FPV | First Person View |
GCS | Ground Control Station |
GEO | Geostationary Earth Orbit |
GSMA | GSM Association |
GUTMA | Global UTM Association |
HAP | High Altitude Platform |
HW | hardware |
ICT | Information and Communications Technology |
IoT | Internet of Things |
IP | Internet Protocol |
ISAC | Integrated Sensing and Communication |
ISM | Industrial, Scientific, Medical |
ITU | International Telecommunication Union |
KPI | Key Performance Indicator |
LCS | LoCation Services |
LEO | Low Earth Orbit |
LoRaWAN | ong Range Wide Area Network |
MANO | Management and Orchestration |
MEC | Multi-access Edge Computing |
MEO | Medium Earth Orbit |
MFAF | Messaging Framework Adaptor Function |
mMTC | Massive Machine Type Communications |
MNO | Mobile Network Operator |
MR | Mixed Reality |
NASA | National Aeronautics and Space Administration |
NEF | Network Exposure Function |
NF | Network Function |
NRF | Network Repository Function |
NS | Network Slicing |
NSACF | Network Slice Admission Control Function |
NSSAAF | Network Slice-specific and Stand-alone non-public network Authentication and |
Authorisation Function | |
NSSF | Network Slice Selection Function |
NTN | Non-Terrestrial Network |
NWDAF | NetWork Data Analytics Function |
O-RAN | Open RAN |
PCF | Policy Control Function |
PLMN | Public Land Mobile Network |
QoS | Quality of Service |
RAN | Radio Access Network |
RT | Real-Time |
SaaS | Sensing as a Service |
SAR | Synthetic-Aperture Radar |
SBA | Service-Based Architecture |
SCP | Service Communication Proxy |
SDG | Sustainable Development Goals |
SEAL | Service Enabler Architecture Layer |
SESAR | Single European Sky ATM Research |
SLA | Service Level Agreement |
SMF | Session Management Function |
SMSF | Short Message Service Function |
SW | software |
TN | Terrestrial Network |
TPAE | Third-Party Authorised Entity |
TTM | Time To Market |
UAM | Urban Air Mobility |
UAS | Unmanned Aviation System |
UAS NF | Unmanned Aviation System Network Function |
UAV | Unmanned Aerial Vehicle |
UDM | Unified Data Management |
UDR | Unified Data Repository |
UDSF | Unstructured Data Storage Function |
UE | User Equipment |
UN | United Nations |
UP | User Plane |
UPF | User Plane Function |
URLLC | Ultra-Reliable Low-Latency Communication |
UTM | Unmanned Aircraft Systems Traffic Management |
VLOS | Visual Line of Sight |
VR | Virtual Reality |
VTOL | Vertical Take-Off and Landing |
ZSM | Zero-touch network and Service Management |
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C2 Mode | E2E Latency | Reliability | Maximum UAV Ground Speed |
Steer to waypoints | 1 s | 99.9% | 300 km/h |
Direct stick steering | 40 ms | 99.9% | 60 km/h |
Automatic flight on UTM | 5 s | 99.9% | 300 km/h |
Approaching autonomous navigation infrastructure | 10 ms (downlink) 140 ms (uplink) | 99% (downlink) 99.99% (uplink) | 50 km/h |
Example UAS communication service | E2E latency | Reliability | Data rate |
UTM to UAS communication | 500 ms | 99.9% | Not specified |
BVLOS FPV video | 140 ms | 99.99% | 4 Mbps (uplink) at 720 p, 30 fps |
4 × 4 K AI surveillance | 20 ms | Not specified | 50 Mbps (downlink) 120 Mbps (uplink) |
Feature | Release ID |
UAV remote identification | Release 17 |
Joint PLMN and UTM authentication and authorisation of UAV | |
Authorisation of C2 communication | |
UAV location reporting and tracking | |
Communication between UAVs within a defined proximity area | |
Pairing of UAV with its GCS (also cross-PLMN) | |
Provisioning of C2 communication QoS for UAS | |
C2 communication mode selection and switching | |
RT UAV connection status monitoring and location reporting | |
Direct UAV–UAV or UAV–GCS communication over direct UE–UE connection | Release 18 |
Support of UAV interaction with multiple UTM during a flight | |
Support of DAA services | |
Transport of C2 communication over direct UE–UE connection | |
Broadcasting of UAV remote identification over direct UE–UE connection | |
Support of DAA mechanism over direct UE–UE connection | |
Enhancements of signal measurement reporting by UAV UE to 5G base station considering UAV specificity (including reporting of altitude, location, and speed) | |
Flight path reporting by UAV to 5G base station for radio resource planning aid | |
Study of beamforming support at UAV UE side (in 410–7125 MHz range) | |
Detection of UE with UAV-specific additional features | Release 19 |
Responding flight feasibility query from UTM by PLMN | |
Geofencing for VLOS UAV missions | |
DAA support by PLMN (reporting relative distance between UAVs to UTM) | |
PLMN as location, identity, and sensing information source on UTM request | |
Support for UAV in-flight operations with RT monitoring of C2 link along the route | |
PLMN as a sensor of aerial traffic of UAVs for UTM |
Network Performance Requirement | 5G KPI | 6G KPI |
Peak downlink data rate [64] | 20 Gbps | 1–10 Tbps |
Peak uplink data rate [64] | 10 Gbps | 1–10 Tbps |
Experienced downlink | ||
data rate [64] | 100 Mbps | 10–100 Gbps |
Experienced uplink | ||
data rate [64] | 50 Mbps | 10–100 Gbps |
CP delay [64] | 10 ms | 1 ms |
UP delay [64,79] | 1 ms | 0.1 ms |
Delay jitter [79] | – | 1 s |
Connection density [64] | 106 dev./km2 | 107–108 dev./km3 |
Traffic capacity [64] | 10 Mbps/m2 | 0.1–10 Gbps/m2 |
Reliability [64] | 99.999% | 99.99999% |
Spectral efficiency [80] | 30 bps/Hz | 100 bps/Hz |
Mobility support [80] | 500 km/h | 1000 km/s |
Positioning accuracy [64] | meter-level | sub-meter level (outdoor), centimeter-level (indoor) |
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Tomaszewski, L.; Kołakowski, R. Advanced Air Mobility and Evolution of Mobile Networks. Drones 2023, 7, 556.
Tomaszewski L, Kołakowski R. Advanced Air Mobility and Evolution of Mobile Networks. Drones. 2023; 7(9):556.
Chicago/Turabian StyleTomaszewski, Lechosław, and Robert Kołakowski. 2023. "Advanced Air Mobility and Evolution of Mobile Networks" Drones 7, no. 9: 556.
APA StyleTomaszewski, L., & Kołakowski, R. (2023). Advanced Air Mobility and Evolution of Mobile Networks. Drones, 7(9), 556.