1. Introduction
Enabled by the increasing penetration rate of mobile devices with internet connections, citizens serve as sensors to crowdsource data, contribute volunteered geographic information (VGI), and participate in citizen science projects [
3]. To map flood inundation, crowdsourced data emerged as alternative and supplementary data sources to augment conventional geospatial datasets such as remotely sensed imagery and stream gauges. For example, the inundation extent and water depth data could be extracted from social media to support rapid flood inundation mapping in Dresden, Germany [
4]. As a subset of crowdsourced data, VGI requires the voluntary submission of geographic observations by the users. Schnebele et al. [
5] also utilized multi-sources of non-authoritative data, which included both crowdsourced and volunteered aerial photos, to map the potential road damage of Hurricane Sandy in the United States. These crowdsourced observations can produce valuable hydraulic data to support flood modeling in France, Argentina, and New Zealand [
Besides crowdsourced and VGI data, citizen science projects typically involve the training of participants in collecting high-quality data for a specific project. For example, trained citizens can actively collect in situ data at a high temporal resolution in near real time for flood mapping [
8]. Such citizen science projects can gather quantitative hydraulic data, such as the flow rate and discharge, by crowdsourcing geotagged pictures and videos for subsequent hydrologic and hydraulic modeling to simulate the flood process [
Comparing to authoritative data acquired by government agencies, however, crowdsourced and VGI data often lack clear data standards and quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) procedures to ensure data quality [
9]. Nevertheless, a small panel of crowdsourced flood observations from YouTube videos were integrated with a hydraulic model and the results showed minor but persistent improvements to flood mapping in the downstream portion [
10]. Based on the feedback of three projects across the continents, elements of successful citizen science projects include “a clear and simple procedure, suitable tools for data collecting and processing, an efficient communication plan, the support of local stakeholders, and the public awareness of natural hazards” [
It is possible to filter and extract a data subset relevant to different aspects of a flood. Disaster-specific terms, such as ”flood”, “inundation”, and “damage”, can be used to filter social media posts related to a specific flood. Based on passive crowdsourced data, such as taxi GPS or phone records, Kong et al. [
11] classified roads by comparing delayed human mobility with some baselines. Their study used logistic regression to identify flood-affected roads and reported a 60% true positive rate as compared to the authoritative flood report. However, the accuracy is very sensitive to data sampling frequency. Using photos of stop signs, it is possible to train a deep neural network to estimate flood depth by comparing the pole length during the flood with the dry pole from Google StreetView Images [
12]. The results showed a mean absolute error of 32.08 cm (equivalent of 12.63 in.) in flood depth estimation. Compared to active crowdsourced data with a clear project objective, these attempts can be regarded as using passive crowdsourced data as they require the use of proxy data to infer the intended target. As a result, their reliability is determined by the distribution of the proxy phenomenon (e.g., human mobility) instead of the geographic phenomenon of interest (i.e., flooding). Nevertheless, any creative use of passive crowdsourced data for flood modeling can provide valuable insights about the dynamic landscape at a critical time.
Regardless of the active or passive approach, it is necessary to validate the quality of crowdsourced data to explore its possible use in flood modeling beyond gathering discrete observations about the flood extent and road damage. The primary objective of this study was to examine the quality of VGI from the U-Flood project for flood mapping. This study used HEC-RAS to model flood inundation maps in the Houston area affected by Hurricane Harvey and compared the resulting maps with the volunteered dataset. The high temporal resolution of U-Flood data also offered a unique lens to ascertain the impacts of dam release as a flood management practice from Addick Reservoir and Barker reservoirs during the floods. By simulating the flood extent during Hurricane Harvey (which included dam release water from the Addick Reservoir and Barker Reservoir during the floods), this study provides useful references for disaster management in urban areas for future risk assessment and mitigation.
The research questions of this study include:
- (1)
Are there any significant differences in the water depth for the H&H model (i.e., HEC-RAS), authorized reference (i.e., FEMA), and VGI (i.e., U-Flood data)?
- (2)
Are there any significant differences in the inundated areas between the HEC-RAS-modeled floodplain and U-Flood data observations?
To answer these research questions, this study validated the VGI with a modeled floodplain to examine its effectiveness in supporting the flood inundation map of the HEC-RAS model. This study also discussed possible ways of using VGI to improve the model prediction.
To examine the quality of U-Flood data and its potential to improve the HEC-RAS model prediction, the null hypothesis (HA0) states that there are no significant differences in water depth (WD) among the HEC-RAS, FEMA, and U-Flood data (i.e., WDHEC-RAS = WDFEMA = WDU-Flood). The alternative hypothesis (HA1) is that there would be significant differences between these three data sources. To examine the agreement between the HEC-RAS model and the U-Flood data, the null hypothesis (HB0) states that there are no significant differences in the covered area between the HEC-RAS-modeled floodplain and the U-Flood data observations (i.e., Covered AreaHEC-RAS = Covered AreaU-Flood). The alternative hypothesis (HB1) is that there would be significant differences between these two data results.
3. Results
Based on the stream gauge data, flood maps were simulated from 31 August 2017 to 6 September 2017, in HEC-RAS (
Figure 6). In general, the water receded (i.e., the WSE was lower) and the flood inundation extent gradually decreased over time. The upstream area of Buffalo Bayou had the largest flood extent and the biggest change across the 7 days.
The WD difference map of one dataset subtracted from another (e.g., FEMA—HEC-RAS) over the random points were visualized to represent the spatial distribution of WD differences (
Figure 7). There were five different point types to represent the WD difference (WDD) level between each pair of dataset comparisons as follows: (1) ≤−2 m, (2) −2 m < WDD ≤ −1 m, (3) −1 m < WDD ≤ 1 m, (4) 1 m < WDD ≤ 2 m, and (5) >2 m. Take FEMA—HEC-RAS for example, the positive value indicates the overestimation of FEMA over HEC-RAS, while the negative value indicates the underestimation of FEMA over HEC-RAS (
Figure 7A).
The following subsections present the statistical results from each comparison set (
Table 3).
3.1. WD Comparison Results of HEC-RAS and FEMA
This study compared 1000 WD values between the FEMA and HEC-RAS models using the paired sample
t-test. The mean the WD from FEMA was 0.38 m higher than the HEC-RAS counterpart. Despite the HEC-RAS WD being highly correlated with the FEMA WD (r = 0.878), there was a significant difference between the two sources (
t = 8.239;
p < 0.0001;
n = 1000). Based on
Figure 7A, most WD differences were in the range −1 m–1 m (grey points), which indicated minor WD differences between the FEMA- and HEC-RAS-modeled floodplain. However, the HEC-RAS model often overestimated the WD, with >−2 m (bright orange points) being observed in the upstream areas, and an opposite trend of underestimation with a >2 m (dark blue points) cluster along the downstream portion. One possible reason for the WD differences was that FEMA data did not indicate the time it used for the flood simulation. Therefore, the result of FEMA may be different from HEC-RAS, which was modeled with the USGS gauge peak flow discharge on 1 September 2017.
3.2. WD Comparison between HEC-RAS-Modeled Floodplain and HWMs
Due to the small sample size (n = 29) and the results of the Shapiro–Wilk normality test, the Wilcoxon Signed-Rank test was used to compare the WD of HEC-RAS and HWMs on 31 August 2017. Using only the HEC-RAS and HWM WD values at 29 sample points, there was a significant difference at the 0.05 level (Z = −2.0001, p = 0.0455).
3.3. WD Comparison among U-Flood, HEC-RAS, and FEMA
Similarly, the normality test revealed that the WD of U-Flood, HEC-RAS, and FEMA were not normally distributed (p-value < 0.05). The WD on 1 September 2017 was selected because it was the only date when these three data sources were available. The Friedman (X2r) statistics result rejected the research hypothesis, which indicated that there was a significant difference among the three groups at the α = 0.01 significance level (p-value < 0.01).
3.3.1. U-Flood and HEC-RAS
Using the Wilcoxon Signed-Rank test, there were significant differences in the WD between U-Flood and HEC-RAS from 31 August to 6 September 2017 at the 0.01 level (Z = 10.732 to 15.087,
p < 0.0001). Most WD differences were in the range −1 m–1 m (grey points), which indicates that there was only a small WD difference between the HEC-RAS-modeled floodplain and U-Flood (
Figure 7B). However, there were some scattered WD differences in the range 1 m–2 m (blue points) for the cluster near the upstream area of Buffalo Bayou.
3.3.2. U-Flood and FEMA
The results of the Wilcoxon Signed-Rank test revealed a significant difference in the WD between U-Flood and FEMA at the 0.05 level (Z = −2.4217,
n = 190,
p = 0.01552). Most WD differences were in the range −1 m–1 m (grey points), suggesting only a small WD difference between FEMA and U-Flood (
Figure 7C). However, some major WD differences in the range 1 m–2 m (blue points) for the cluster near the upstream Buffalo Bayou. Moreover, there were a couple red points indicating a >2 m WD difference in the mid-upper floodplain.
3.4. U-Flood Data and HEC-RAS-Modeled Flood Inundation Map Comparison
In terms of the flood extent, the U-Flood data and the HEC-RAS-modeled floodplain were compared on 1 September 2017 (
Figure 8). While the U-Flood street data outside of the HEC-RAS floodplain (the grey lines) could not be examined, the majority of the U-Flood street data (85.9%) had a WD difference less than 1 m from the HEC-RAS results. About 8.8% of the WD difference (solid line) fell between 1 to 2 m, and 5.3% of the WD difference ranged between 2 and 8 m (thick solid line). Nevertheless, it is clear that those U-Flood segments with a significant WD difference (2–8 m), represented by black bold lines, were totally inside of the floodplain.
3.4.1. Count Comparison
The total number of U-Flood data points per day from 31 August 2017 to 6 September 2017 ranged between 399 and 479, while the number of U-Flood data points within the modeled floodplain per day during the same period ranges from 188 to 295 (i.e., 44.13%–61.59% of all U-Flood data). The reported U-Flood data count inside the modeled floodplain consistently decreased, whereas the total U-Flood observations from 31 August 2017 to September 6 changed at a slower rate and often rebounded, especially after 4 September (
Figure 9). While both the modeled floodplain and U-flood data shrank in extent (i.e., the receding flood), there were relatively less U-flood reported from inside the modeled floodplain over time (i.e., there were more U-Flood data outside the floodplain). The decreasing trend over time may indicate less U-Flood data being reported. It is important to note that the HEC-RAS model only accounts for riverine flooding in the main channel, whereas U-Flood observations may account for tributary flooding and other storm surges (e.g., overland flow, stormwater backlash). In general, most of the intersected U-Flood data were clustered near the reservoir discharge outlet and upstream area of Buffalo Bayou.
3.4.2. Length Comparison
The total of U-Flood data length in the study area for 31 August 2017 to September 6 was about 107.83–132.87 km, and the of the U-Flood data length within the floodplain was about 34.81–63.00 km, which represents 29.06%–47.43% of the total of the U-Flood data length. Similar to the trend observed in the count comparison, there was a decreasing trend for the reported U-Flood data length inside the floodplain over time (
Figure 10).
In summary, the average agreement of the count was 55.52%, while the average agreement of the length was 39.98%. Therefore, the length percentage agreement was too low to indicate much agreement between the U-Flood data and HEC-RAS model results. As explained earlier, such a difference could be attributed to the fact that HEC-RAS only predicts riverine flooding in the main channel, whereas the U-Flood data have the potential to act as supplementary data and bring the HEC-RAS model or FEMA up to full strength, based on its real-time characteristic.
4. Discussion
With regards to the first research question (RQ1), there were significant differences among the H&H model (i.e., HEC-RAS), the authorized references (i.e., FEMA and USGS HWM), and the crowdsourced U-Flood data. Nevertheless, the geographic pattern of WD among U-Flood, FEMA, and HEC-RAS displayed high similarity in the floodplain, while the degree of WD differences was higher along the river (
Figure 7). For RQ2, which examined any significant differences in the inundated areas between the HEC-RAS-modeled floodplain and U-Flood observations, the statistics comparison results indicate that there was a significant difference between the HEC-RAS and U-Flood data (
Figure 9 and
Figure 10). Specifically, the percentages for the U-Flood data outside of the floodplain for the count and length comparisons were 38.41–55.87% and 52.57–70.94% respectively.
Due to significant differences found among the U-Flood data, the HEC-RAS model and the FEMA floodplain, it is recommended to exercise caution in interpreting U-Flood data and using these data to calibrate the HEC-RAS model. However, U-Flood data still have the potential to supplement real-time observations, especially outside of the floodway and the immediate floodplain to the main channel, and even outside of the modeled floodplain area (
Figure 9 and
Figure 10). Floodplain modeling (e.g., HEC-RAS) is typically restricted to the main channel, but not the tributaries and upstream floodplain due to the need and availability of USGS gauge data for calibration. Thus, such a modeling approach is only as good (or as comprehensive) as the gauge data that support it. Hence, non-riverine flooding in those remote areas would go unrecorded and their impacts on the local communities could be underestimated. At this time, U-Flood data could be potentially helpful as a supplementary data source for HEC-RAS modeling by offering valuable observations in regions without USGS stream gauges or authoritative data.
Moreover, U-Flood data would not fully represent the peak discharge reflected by the water depth for several reasons. First, these crowdsourcing projects are often a response to an urgent need (e.g., a natural disaster) that involves a time lag. This indicates that we should learn from this and be proactive in the future. The data reported from the public were only available from 31 August 2017 to 6 September. This was already far after the most severe flooding, which happened around the 25 August 2017 to 28 August. In fact, the daily peak flow discharge of USGS stream gauge 08074000 was observed when the dam released floodwater on 28 August 2017. Second, some data may be reported by the public that do not match the exact time and location of the flood. Some people reported inundated streets or roads hours or even days after they had access to the internet, while the flood might have already receded or flowed rapidly elsewhere. Thus, the time lag in the crowdsourced report might not reflect the realistic flooding situation corresponding to the time stamp in the U-Flood data. Third, U-Flood data have a lot of uncertainties. Some users might report a flood when they were walking or traveling in a boat, so the WSE is uncertain. Moreover, U-Flood data do not provide attributes indicative of the context of local inundation, some of them may come from dam-released flood water or direct stormwater runoff. Finally, the U-Flood data do not contain the water depth, and any water depth extraction from U-Flood would have errors as compared with the other flood datasets used in this study.
There were several reasons for the different underlying geographic patterns among the HEC-RAS model, the FEMA flood data, and the U-Flood data. First, the HEC-RAS and FEMA did not model the tributaries. Instead, the HEC-RAS model deployed in this study only simulated the main channel of the Buffalo Bayou watershed with only four USGS gauges. However, some U-Flood data could be observed near the tributaries or far from the main channel. Second, the U-Flood data outside the floodplain may have been caused by ineffective sewer drainage compounded with increased surface runoff from overland flow. We overlaid the Houston storm sewer map with a kernel line density surface produced from the U-Flood distribution (
Figure 11) for illustration. The map reveals several high-density clusters of the U-Flood distribution near the upstream areas and two dams. As there were 45.34% (214 out of 472) U-Flood street segments that intersected with storm sewers, this might suggest that areas with U-Flood data that did not intersect with the storm sewer lines (54.64%) would suffer from flood inundation due to the absence of sewer lines to drain overflows during Hurricane Harvey. Those areas without storm sewers may need to build more storm sewers to cope with future flooding, e.g., during 500-year flood levels and above. These U-Flood data were observed in the urban area, so it was possible that the inundated streets were affected by the floodwater from multiple sources besides riverine flooding (e.g., damaged pipelines).
Third, the absence of U-Flood data in some areas (e.g., the HEC-RAS-modeled floodplain and the FEMA floodplain) could be attributed to sampling bias in which no or less volunteers could observe or report the inundated streets [
11]. The results showed a less consistent decreasing trend for the U-Flood data and the modeled floodplain over time. It could be a result of (a) fewer observations volunteered by the crowd, or (b) less flooding across 7 days over a spatially heterogeneous inundation landscape. With regards to the former cause, people may not report flood information because they do not have good signals or devices during or immediately after the flood, or some places where floods happened are sparsely populated. This phenomenon may be further compounded by the geographic disparity of the digital divide. However, there was a decreasing reporting trend (about an 11% reduction) in the total number of U-Flood data observations during the study period from 31 August 2017 to September 6, and there was about a 36% reduction in the U-Flood data count inside the HEC-RAS-modeled floodplain (
Figure 11). This indicates means less observations volunteered by the crowd might be a partial cause of the inconsistency. Moreover, the modeled flood inundation maps (
Figure 6) and the USGS gauge records showed that the flood receded gradually over the 7-day period.
In this study, the WD extraction method for U-Flood used a zonal maximum approach, which assumed the street segments were entirely inundated and estimated the WD using the maximum difference from underlaying the DEM. As a result, it tended to overestimate the WD, especially when (1) the U-Flood road segment was long, and (2) the slope along those segments was steep (i.e., large elevation change). This WD discrepancy was particularly noticeable at the edge of the HEC-RAS floodplain (
Figure 8) when the U-Flood streets were not completely contained by the modeled floodplain (i.e., did not have at least one end within the floodplain boundary). In this case, the base DEM could be extracted from a location that was not suitable to derive the real water surface elevation (WSE). Therefore, this study suggests that future VGI studies should exclude crowdsourced features that are not “completely contained in the modeled floodplain” to mitigate WD discrepancy. It might also be possible to investigate other WD extraction methods that avoid these assumptions.
Nevertheless, the quality of U-Flood is of vital importance to the accuracy and utility of flood monitoring. Furthermore, it might be possible to reduce the uncertainties of U-Flood data by setting gatekeepers to review reported observations from the public. For example, Goodchild and Li [
13] described a social approach that imitates the structure of traditional authoritative mapping agencies, with “experts” who serve as gatekeepers to reconcile any inconsistent observations and assure the quality of voluntary contributions. The crowdsourcing approach [
13] leverages the power of the crowd to approximate the “ground truth” and to validate the errors that can potentially improve the credibility of the U-Flood data. For example, a single observation can be examined by nearby observations to flag any sampling bias. Moreover, informing and educating the public to report scientific observations can improve the data quality as a long-term strategy. For example, empowering the public with clear instructions for a data collection protocol along with a user-friendly web/mobile interface can enable effective citizen science and ensure the essential attributes for each observation are recorded (i.e., GPS location, flood status, etc.). As a result, such instructions may reduce the spatial and/or temporal uncertainties associated with this VGI.
In summary, this study provides some suggestions for “best practices” for crowdsourcing data on digital platforms (i.e., app or website) for future applications: (a) Provide a form with a simple user interface designed to ease user input; (b) users should report data with GPS turned on for accurate location of flood; (c) use existing media outlets (e.g., radio stations, social media) to promote the app before storm season to raise public awareness. Overall, the combination of the strategies stated above would improve the quality of U-Flood data.
5. Conclusions
The primary purpose of this study was to evaluate the quality of crowdsourced data for flood mapping of Hurricane Harvey in the Houston area. This study provides a preliminary assessment of the data quality of VGI by comparing the WD among crowdsourced data, authoritative data, and modeled output. This fills a gap in the literature concerning the usefulness of crowdsourced data in floods, but also provides useful insights about their spatio-temporal uncertainties. Being able to prove where and when these uncertainties are with empirical data and visualize them in this study is a good start to understanding the quality of big data analytics. In addition, learning to better plan crowdsourcing projects ahead of time of the disaster (so there would be less time lag) and being aware of any spatial sampling biases are of practical significance. The findings from this study also open a new research agenda for improving and assessing uncertainties regarding the crowdsourced data quality, and crowdsourcing data supplements in flood mapping research.
The reasons for the significant differences and geographic distribution are worth investigating in future studies and will help illustrate the appropriate caution necessary when using crowdsourced data as supplementary data for data-driven geographic knowledge discovery [
14]. It is necessary to pay more attention to evaluating the accuracy of crowdsourced data by checking their quality and improving the workflow when acquiring such crowdsourced data. Despite the spatio-temporal uncertainties in the crowdsourced U-Flood dataset (e.g., the lack of water depth, the reporting lag from the public), it may present an opportunity to serve as supplementary observations to calibrate hydrologic and hydraulic models, especially in areas without USGS stream gauges or that are not covered by the FEMA floodplain maps. In particular, crowdsourced data available outside the modeled floodplain could provide supplementary data from outside of observed USGS stream gauge and HEC-RAS model. The emergence of such crowdsourced data presents an opportunity to can be cautiously exploited in future citizen science projects.
While the availability of U-Flood data is unique to the Harvey event in the United States, the findings from this research can be applicable to other VGI projects of a similar nature elsewhere [
15]. Understandably, the availability and usability of such VGI projects in other parts of the world might depend on a list of factors, including, but not limited to, hazard impacts, physical and social vulnerability, disaster preparation, the digital divide, civil awareness, etc. Nevertheless, previous studies revealed some success in initiating and implementing VGI projects for flood management [
18]. Future work can examine the quality of other crowdsourced data for flood modeling and other applications [