Induced Action for Conformal Higher Spins from Worldline Path Integrals
:1. Introduction
2. Induced Action for Conformal Higher Spins
2.1. Noether Interaction and Symmetries
2.2. Effective Action and Worldline Path Integral
2.3. The Quadratic Action
3. Discussion and Conclusions
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A. Worldline Phase Space Propagators
Appendix B. Special Functions
Appendix C. Transverse-Traceless Projectors
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1. | We will discuss only bosonic totally symmetric fields. In arbitrary even dimensions one has to add a power of the laplacian. |
2. | |
3. | In arbitrary even dimension d the conformal weight of is . Given an nth order vertex with fields of spin , the number of derivatives is fixed to . |
4. | In four dimensions the Weyl anomaly contains only two relevant structures: the Euler density, whose coefficient is usually named a, and the square of the Weyl tensor, whose coefficient is . |
5. | |
6. | Direct matching of free gauge theory correlators with AdS Witten diagrams has been investigated in [49,50,51] in order to exploit open-closed string duality. In particular, in [49] one-loop open string diagrams in the field theory limit (hence worldline loops) were shown to reproduce tree level diagrams in AdS by direct change of variables in the moduli space. |
7. | In the standard AdS/CFT context [52,53,54] the boundary values of bulk fields are fixed, non dynamical sources for CFT correlators. From a pure boundary perspective, however, one can see the coupling as a Noether coupling that gauges the infinite dimensional symmetry algebra [31,55] generated by the charges associated to the currents . Moreover, even in the AdS/CFT context one can give different, Neumann type, boundary conditions to bulk fields, allowing them to fluctuate on the boundary [22,56,57]. |
8. | |
9. | Indices denoted with the same letter and groups of indices are intended as symmetrized with strength one, e.g., . |
10. | The logarithmic divergence is present only in even dimensions, that is the only case we will treat here. |
11. | The induced action contains vertices with arbitrary powers of higher spin fields but, due to the absence of dimensionful parameters, the number of derivatives is bounded by the number of fields and sum of the spins involved. |
12. | The quantity is gauge invariant on the circle; hence it constitutes a modulus to be integrated over after gauge fixing. |
13. | See Appendix A for details. |
14. | This can be seen by just changing variables in integrals of periodic and translation invariant functions. However, a more precise justification comes from the gauge fixing procedure on the circle: The einbein possesses, on topology, a Killing vector that is not fixed by the gauge and that generates global translations around the circle. A natural way to fix the leftover global symmetry is then to fix the position of one vertex on the circle, e.g., by setting , as it is customary in String Theory. |
15. | The field independent cannot contribute to the logarithmic divergence and neither can the linear in . |
16. | In the variables one can exchange x with for free. |
17. | For details see the original derivation [11]. |
18. | See Appendix C for the explicit form of the projectors. |
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Bonezzi, R. Induced Action for Conformal Higher Spins from Worldline Path Integrals. Universe 2017, 3, 64.
Bonezzi R. Induced Action for Conformal Higher Spins from Worldline Path Integrals. Universe. 2017; 3(3):64.
Chicago/Turabian StyleBonezzi, Roberto. 2017. "Induced Action for Conformal Higher Spins from Worldline Path Integrals" Universe 3, no. 3: 64.
APA StyleBonezzi, R. (2017). Induced Action for Conformal Higher Spins from Worldline Path Integrals. Universe, 3(3), 64.