State-of-the-Art Green Roofs: Technical Performance and Certifications for Sustainable Construction
:1. Introduction
2. Components and Classification
2.1. Components
2.2. Classification
3. Hydraulic Performance
4. Thermal Performance
5. Certifications for Sustainable Construction
6. Conclusions and Research Challenges
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Physical Property | One-Layer System | Multi-Layered System |
Water retention | Minimum 20% | Minimum 35% |
Water permeability | Minimum 60 mm/min | Minimum 0.6 mm/min |
Air content (fully saturated) | Minimum 10% | Minimum 10% |
pH | 6.5 to 9.5 | 6.5 to 8.0 |
Rainwater Retention (%), Average during Study Period | Rainwater Retention (%), Range for Studied Events | Monitoring Time | Short Description and References Taken from Reference [31] |
46 | - | 17 months | Bengtsson et al. (2005) [32] studied a hydrological function of a Sedum moss thin vegetated roof from Malmö, Sweden (roof slope 2.6%, substrate thickness 30 mm). The real rain events (mid July 2001 through December 2002) and artificial storms were investigated both on the study in real scale and on the smaller model of the green roof, designed identically to the original roof but with the possibility of changing the slope and the drainage material. |
61 | - | 15 months | Van Woert et al. (2005) [14] investigated vegetated roof water retention and its dependence on roof surface type, slope, and media depth. Three roof platforms were constructed in a model scale with a slope of 2%: gravel, vegetated, and un-vegetated (study period: August 2002 through October 2003). Vegetated roofs consisted of the following layers: drainage (15 mm), water retention fabric (7.5 mm), additional retention fabric as vegetation carrier (7.5 mm), and 25 mm of growing media. Twelve additional roof platforms were used to examine roof slope (6 with slope 2% and 6 with slope 6.5%) and media depth (for 2% slope 25 mm and 40 mm; for 6% 40 mm and 60 mm). |
45 | 19–98 | 2 months | De Nardo et al. (2005) [33] investigated stormwater retention by three green roofs located in Pennsylvania, United States of America (USA). The roofs consisted of the following layers: waterproof membrane, drainage layer of 12 mm, growing medium 89 mm, plant support medium 25 mm. Rainfall and runoff data were collected for seven rain events during October–November 2002. |
63—Roof 1 | - | 18 months | Moran et al. (2005) [34] monitored two green roofs installed in North Carolina, USA (in Goldsboro: soil depth 75 mm, flat, and in Raleigh: soil depth 100 mm, slope of 7%) to estimate water retention and peak flow reduction. Two different commercially available drainage systems were used: one in Goldsboro with negligible storage and one in Raleigh with water storage capacity of 2.4 L/m2. The runoff data were collected at Goldsboro during April 2003–September 2004 and in Raleigh during July 2003–September 2004. To investigate water quality (P-tot, N-tot) runoff water samples were collected during 11 rain events from the Goldsboro green roof (soil mix consisting of 55% expanded slate, 30% sand, and 15% compost). |
55—Roof 2 | - | 15 months | |
78 | 39–100 | 13 months | Carter and Rasmussen (2006) [35] investigated water retention of a newly constructed green roof plot in Athens, Georgia, USA. The construction followed a design of a commercial product. In total, 31 rainfall–runoff events were registered during a study period of 13 months (November 2003–November 2004). The roof layers included a root protection sheet of negligible thickness, 4.8-mm-thick moisture retention mat with water retention capacity of 5 L/m2, 38.1-mm-thick synthetic drainage panel with water retention capacity of 4 L/m2 (both layers provided about 9-mm retention). The growing medium was 76.2 mm thick. |
49 | - | 4 storm events | Monterusso et al. (2004) [36] performed a pilot investigation of water retention (calculated for individual rainfall events) and water quality of runoff among combinations of various commercial growing systems and vegetation types in Michigan, USA. Twelve roof platforms were installed, each divided into 3 parts with different vegetation. All platforms duplicated typical commercial green roof construction; 4 commercial drainage systems were installed. Platforms were set at a slope of 2%. The substrate depth was 100 mm for three types of drainage systems and 20 mm (Sedum) or 60 mm (natives) for the fourth drainage system. The soil mix consisted of 60% heat-expanded slate, 25% grade sand, 5% aged compost, and 10% peat. Three groups of vegetation were used, the first consisting of seven Sedum spp. propagated from seed, the second from two Sedum spp. planted from plugs, and the third consisting of 18 species of region (Michigan) native plants planted from plugs. |
- | 5–70 | 6 months | Bliss et al. (2009) [37] monitored a prototype green roof in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. The 1150-m2 extensive green roof consisted of a bitumen built-up membrane with root barrier, drainage, and filter fabric layer beneath 140-mm-thick synthetic growing medium made of expanded shale, perlite, and coconut husk. Regarding water quantity investigation, the data were obtained for 13 storms (August 2006–January 2007). Water quality tests (phosphorus, sulfate, nitrogen, chemical oxygen demand (COD) for unfiltered and filtered samples, pH and turbidity for unfiltered samples and lead, cadmium, and zinc for filtered samples) were reported for one of the two selected storms (17 October 2006 or 1 December 2006). |
Approach Proposed | Major Findings | Reference |
Long-term experimental analysis to compare thermal performance from a conventional roof respect to a green roof. | Under typical Mediterranean climate conditions, the green roof system provides different behavior according to the season. The green roof performance is meaningful during warm seasons, while this technology does not show a significant difference with a conventional roof during cold seasons. | [41] |
Model based on energy balanced equations expressed for foliage soil media and simulations. | During the exposure to warm environmental conditions, the evapotranspiration provides evaporative cooling that increases the thermal resistance of a green roof system. | [42] |
Analysis of transmittance and heat flux. | During the winter season, the green roof provides further isolation even in saturated conditions. In the summer, the green roof decreases incoming heat fluxes and ceiling temperatures. | [43] |
Study during warm and cold periods with 3 different roof conditions. | During warm periods, the evaluated green roof reduced heat gain over 90%. During the cold period, the evaluated green roof system reduced heat loss between 70% and 84%. These results are comparable to those obtained with conventional ceramic and metallic roofs. | [44] |
Numerical model and experimental validation for energy savings (comparison approach). | After evaluating extensive, semi-intensive, and intensive green roofs, the extensive one involved higher cooling energy demand than semi-intensive (2.8-fold) and intensive ones (5.9-fold). | [45] |
Mathematical model and experimental validation. | Cooling potential of green roofs can be around 3.02 kWh per day for an LAI (leaf area index) of 4.5. This is enough to maintain an average room temperature of 25.7 °C. | [46] |
Experimental study for measuring energy savings in cooling for Mediterranean continental climate. | Energy savings (16.7%) for cooling and an increase in energy consumption for heating (11.1%) were observed compared to conventional flat roofs. These results correspond to a 20% to >85% area covered by vegetation. | [47,48] |
Impact | Description |
High | In this level, a green roof has a direct influence on the evaluation criteria providing points in relation to conventional roofs. There is a strong relation to energy and water efficient use criteria. |
Medium | Although, in this level, the implementation of green roof systems has an impact on the criteria, complementary technologies are required to be explicitly valued. |
Low | At this level, the green roof implementation is related to the criteria, but it does not necessarily mean a performance improvement. |
Not related | The implementation of green roof systems has no impact on the evaluation criteria in this level. |
BREEAM—Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method | LEED—Leadership in Energy and Environment Design | CASBEE—Comprehensive Assessment System for Built Environment Efficiency | BEAM Plus—Building Environmental Assessment Method | ESGB—Evaluation Standard for Green Building |
Management | Sustainable sites | Indoor environment | Site aspect | Sustainable site and outdoor environment |
Health and wellbeing | Water efficiency | Quality of service | Material aspect | Energy use |
Energy | Energy and atmosphere | Outdoor environment | Energy use | Water use |
Transport | Material and resources | Energy resources and materials | Water use | Material use |
Water | Indoor environmental quality | Off-site environment | Indoor environmental quality | Indoor environmental quality |
Materials | Innovation in design | Innovation and performance enhance | Operation management | |
Waste | Regional priority | |||
Land use and ecology | ||||
Pollution | ||||
Innovation |
Certification Systems | Characteristics | Measuring Method |
BREEAM—Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method | Most used certification used worldwide to measure, organize hierarchically, and certify a building’s sustainability. More than 250,000 buildings in more than 70 countries have this certification. Origin: United Kingdom. | Hierarchical criteria credit system in the following categories: fulfilling, good, very good, excellent, and outstanding. |
LEED—Leadership in Energy and Environment Design | This certification includes measuring and hierarchical organizing systems for design, construction, maintenance, and operation of green buildings that use some type of related technologies. More than 80,000 buildings worldwide have this certification. Origin: USA. | Certification system based on points as follows: platinum: more than 80 gold: between 60 and 79 silver: between 50 and 59 certified: between 40 and 49 |
CASBEE—Comprehensive Assessment System for Built Environment Efficiency | This certification system was designed to measure the impact on people’s life quality, resource consumption, and environmental loads caused by buildings. This certification system is supported by the national government in Japan. Origin: Japan. | Valuation scale from 1 to 5. The minimal condition required by law is 3. |
BEAM Plus—Hong Kong Building Environmental Assessment Method | This certification covers a wide variety of building impacts on local, global, and indoor scales. Origin: China. | The evaluation system has four levels: bronze: over 40% credits silver: over 55% credits gold: over 65% credits platinum: over 75% credits |
ESGB—Evaluation Standard for Green Building | This certification was designed to evaluate new and existing buildings during the design and construction stages. Origin: China. | This certification has 3 levels: 1 start: over 33% marks 2 starts: over 67% marks 3 starts: over 80% marks |
Component | Research Topics |
Vegetation layer | (a) Study the vegetation behavior under different climate conditions. (b) Generate robust databases for plant analysis and its selection. Include CO2 sequestration performance. (c) Study of influence of vegetation on green roof thermal and hydraulic performances. (d) Analyze the relationship and effect on wildlife. |
Substratum | (a) Develop growth media mixtures able to reduce erosion and increase water content for low-depth substratum. (b) Develop growth media using renewable local materials. |
Materials | (a) Improve root resistance from waterproof membrane and anti-root barrier. (b) Increase water retention capacity from the drainage layer materials. (c) Include reused, reduced, and recycled materials in all components of green roofs. (d) Durability strategies to increase life span. |
Others | (a) Design and implementation of robust policies to promote massive use. (b) Evaluate green roof implementation using the life-cycle analysis (LCA) methodology. (c) Analyze the overall performance from a multidisciplinary perspective. (d) Develop local design and construction guidelines. |
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Share and Cite
Naranjo, A.; Colonia, A.; Mesa, J.; Maury, H.; Maury-Ramírez, A. State-of-the-Art Green Roofs: Technical Performance and Certifications for Sustainable Construction. Coatings 2020, 10, 69.
Naranjo A, Colonia A, Mesa J, Maury H, Maury-Ramírez A. State-of-the-Art Green Roofs: Technical Performance and Certifications for Sustainable Construction. Coatings. 2020; 10(1):69.
Chicago/Turabian StyleNaranjo, Alejandra, Andrés Colonia, Jaime Mesa, Heriberto Maury, and Aníbal Maury-Ramírez. 2020. "State-of-the-Art Green Roofs: Technical Performance and Certifications for Sustainable Construction" Coatings 10, no. 1: 69.
APA StyleNaranjo, A., Colonia, A., Mesa, J., Maury, H., & Maury-Ramírez, A. (2020). State-of-the-Art Green Roofs: Technical Performance and Certifications for Sustainable Construction. Coatings, 10(1), 69.