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Journal: Animals, 2022
Volume: 12
Number: 2718

Article: Anthelmintic Activity, Cytotoxicity, and Phytochemical Screening of Plants Used to Treat Digestive Parasitosis of Small Ruminants in Benin (West Africa)
Authors: by Esaïe Tchetan, Pascal Abiodoun Olounladé, Erick Virgile Bertrand Azando, Hafiz Abdul Khaliq, Sergio Ortiz, Alban Houngbeme, Géorcelin Goué Alowanou, Bossima Ivan Koura, Guénolé Coovi Akouedegni, Marcel Romuald Benjamin Houinato, Sylvie Mawule Hounzangbe-Adote, Fernand Ahokanou Gbaguidi and Joëlle Quetin-Leclercq

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