Automatic Windthrow Detection Using Very-High-Resolution Satellite Imagery and Deep Learning
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Study Area
2.2. Satellite Data
2.3. Training and Validation Data
2.4. Artificial Neural Network Architecture
2.5. Neural Network Implementation and Tuning
2.6. Comparison to Traditional Machine Learning Algorithms
3. Results
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A
Algorithm A1: Recursive definition of U-Net-like CNN | |
1: | DEF CONV_BLOCK(input, num_layers, batch_norm = False, residual= False, dropout = 0): |
2: | x = Conv2D(num_layers, 3, activation = “relu”, padding= ‘same’)(input) |
3: | x = BatchNormalization()(x) if batch_norm else x |
4: | x = Dropout(dropout)(x) if dropout ! = 0 else x |
5: | x = Conv2D(num_layers, 3, activation = “relu”, padding = ‘same’)(x) |
6: | x = BatchNormalization()(x) if batch_norm is True else x |
7: | output = Concatenate()([input, x]) if residual is True else x |
8: | return output |
9: | DEF UNET_BLOCK(input, num_layers, depth, layer_rate = 2, batch_norm = False, residual = False, dropout = 0.5): |
10: | if depth > 0: |
11: | x = CONV_BLOCK(input, num_layers, batch_norm, residual, dropout) |
12: | x = MaxPooling2D()(x) |
13: | x = UNET_BLOCK(x, round(layer_rate * dim), depth − 1, |
14: | layer_rate, batch_norm, residual, dropout) |
15: | x = UpSampling2D()(x) |
16: | x = Conv2D(dim, 2, activation = acti, padding = ‘same’)(x) |
17: | x = Concatenate()([input, x]) |
18: | output = CONV_BLOCK(x, dim, batch_norm, residual) |
19: | else: |
20: | output = CONV_BLOCK(input, dim, batch_norm, residual, dropout) |
21: | return output |
22: | DEF GET_UNet(input_shape, depth = 4, layer_rate = 2, batch_norm = False, residual = False, dropout = 0.5): |
23: | input = Input(input_shape) |
24: | x = UNET_BLOCK(input, num_layers = 64, depth = 4, layer_rate = 2, batch_norm = False, residual = False, dropout = 0.5) |
25: | output = Conv2D(out_ch, 1, activation = ‘sigmoid’)(x) |
26: | return Model(inputs = input, outputs = output) |
Appendix B
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Site Number | Satellite | Date | Image ID | Main Vegetation Types | Windthrow Patches | Using |
1 | Pleiades-1A | 17 July 2015 | DS_PHR1A_201507170119408_FR1_PX_E146N44_0410_03088 | DC, M, SB | + | Train |
2 | Pleiades-1A | 10 July 2015 | DS_PHR1A_201507100123116_FR1_PX_E145N44_1106_01880 | DB, DC, SB, | + | Validation |
3 | Pleiades-1B | 01 June 2015 | DS_PHR1B_201506010122019_FR1_PX_E146N44_0109_03525 | DB, DC, SB, | + | Train |
4 | WorldView-3 | 01 June 2015 | 104001000CC65500 | DB, DC, SB, PT | − | Validation |
5 | Pleiades-1B | 01 June 2015 | DS_PHR1B_201506010122226_FR1_PX_E145N43_0822_01654 | DC | + | Train |
6 | Pleiades-1B | 01 June 2015 | DS_PHR1B_201506010122226_FR1_PX_E145N43_0822_01654 | DC, DC-M | + | Validation |
7 | Pleiades-1B | 01 June 2015 | DS_PHR1B_201506010122421_FR1_PX_E145N43_0619_02996 | DB, S, W | − | Train |
8 | Pleiades-1B | 01 June 2015 | DS_PHR1B_201506010122226_FR1_PX_E145N43_0822_01654 | DB, DC-M, SB, W | + | Train |
9 | Pleiades-1B | 01 June 2015 | DS_PHR1B_201506010122421_FR1_PX_E145N43_0619_02996 | DC, DC-M, W | + | Train |
10 | Pleiades-1B | 01 June 2015 | DS_PHR1B_201506010122226_FR1_PX_E145N43_0822_01654 | S, W | − | Train |
Method | Accuracy, % | MeanIoU |
Naive Bayes classifier | 56 | less 0.01 |
Logistic Regression + L2 | 74 | 0.07 |
Support Vector Machine | 79 | 0.09 |
Boosted RF (AdaBoost) | 83 | 0.15 |
U-Net-like CNN | 94 | 0.46 |
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Kislov, D.E.; Korznikov, K.A. Automatic Windthrow Detection Using Very-High-Resolution Satellite Imagery and Deep Learning. Remote Sens. 2020, 12, 1145.
Kislov DE, Korznikov KA. Automatic Windthrow Detection Using Very-High-Resolution Satellite Imagery and Deep Learning. Remote Sensing. 2020; 12(7):1145.
Chicago/Turabian StyleKislov, Dmitry E., and Kirill A. Korznikov. 2020. "Automatic Windthrow Detection Using Very-High-Resolution Satellite Imagery and Deep Learning" Remote Sensing 12, no. 7: 1145.
APA StyleKislov, D. E., & Korznikov, K. A. (2020). Automatic Windthrow Detection Using Very-High-Resolution Satellite Imagery and Deep Learning. Remote Sensing, 12(7), 1145.