
7–8 March 2018, Sydney Australia
The 3rd Annual Australian Smart Cities and Infrastructure Summit

“A smart city needs more than smart technology, it needs smart people. And to create the environment that will attract them, you need technological imagination and above all smart planning,” – The Hon. Malcolm Turnbull MP, Prime Minister of Australia

With Australia’s population in cities set to double in the next few decades, the focus on developing intelligent and efficient cities and transport infrastructure has never been stronger. The increasing pressure on infrastructure and urban services has placed an amplified demand on smart systems and technology – which will be increasingly critical for ensuring that our cities are smart, liveable and sustainable.

Following the success of the 2017 event was attended by 140+ senior industry professionals, the Australian Smart Cities and Infrastructure Summit returns in 2018 for the 3rd year and is set to be bigger and better. Co-located with the Western Sydney Aerotropolis Summit, this year will see leading international keynotes, along with government and private sector leaders discuss key issues and opportunities for developing smart cities in Australia. Part of the Infracon series, the Australian Smart Cities and Infrastructure Summit is a premier two-day event specially designed for C-Level Executives, Directors, Heads, Senior Managers and Specialists, who are involved in or have an interest in infrastructure, transport, investment, urban planning and development.
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