
14 October 2022
Symmetry | New Section “Engineering Science and Symmetry/Asymmetry” Established

We are pleased to announce the launch of a new Section titled “Engineering Science and Symmetry/Asymmetry” in the journal Symmetry (ISSN: 2073-8994).

In the multidisciplinary Section “Engineering Science and Symmetry/Asymmetry” of the Symmetry journal, we welcome original research articles with top-level mathematical modeling or experimental outcomes and a strong substantiation of conclusions and results, as well as relevant analytical reviews, on all aspects of symmetry or asymmetry in engineering, materials, energy sciences, and other interdisciplinary areas.

Our aim is to provide a virtual forum and database for experts, publishing papers with engineering significance that are dedicated to the most up-to-date issues and mainstream topics. The Section will fill the gap of mathematical modeling in these areas in the scientific literature, with emphasis on articles related to cutting-edge technologies and contemporary technology applications. Articles are expected to have original content and demonstrate clear scientific novelty.

The topics covered in this Section include but are not limited to the following:

  • Materials engineering;
  • Nanotechnology;
  • Power systems and thermal engineering;
  • Mechanical engineering, mechatronics, and robotics;
  • Automation and control engineering;
  • Electronic engineering;
  • Communication engineering;
  • Chemical and molecular engineering;
  • Optical engineering and technology;
  • Other areas of interest associated with engineering and materials science in which a multidisciplinary approach is required;
  • In all submitted papers, the major role of symmetry phenomena should be explicit.

Feature papers will be published in the Special Issue “Symmetry: Recent Developments in Engineering Science and Applications”.

For more detailed information, please visit the following link:

Symmetry Editorial Office

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