
22–23 November 2018, Puerta de Toledo Campus of Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Madrid, Spain
The 19th International Workshop of Physical Agents

The 19th International Workshop of Physical Agents (WAF) will be held at the Puerta de Toledo Campus of Universidad Carlos III de Madrid in Madrid, Spain on November 22nd-23rd, 2018 ( The International Workshop of Physical Agents intends to be a forum for information and experiences exchange in different areas regarding the concept of agent on physical environments, especially applied to the control and coordination of autonomous systems: robots, mobile robots, industrial processes or complex systems.

We seek original papers ranging from experience reports to the description of new technology in the following areas:

  •     Physical agents
  •     Software agents
  •     Multiagent systems
  •     Domotic agents & applications
  •     Smart-sensors networks
  •     Human-Robot interaction
  •     Robotic manipulators
  •     Robocup and soccer robots
  •     Mobile robots
  •     Autonomous and semiautonomous robots
  •     Cooperating robots
  •     Machine learning and robotics
  •     Industrial robotics
  •     Applied intelligent robotic systems
  •     Computer vision and robotics
  •     SLAM
  •     Artificial Vision and Robotics
  •     AI and robotics

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