Special Issues

Religions publishes Special Issues to create collections of papers on specific topics, with the aim of building a community of authors and readers to discuss the latest research and develop new ideas and research directions. Special Issues are led by Guest Editors, who are experts on the topic and all Special Issue submissions follow MDPI's standard editorial process. The journal’s Editor-in-Chief and/or designated Editorial Board Member will oversee Guest Editor appointments and Special Issue proposals, checking their content for relevance and ensuring the suitability of the material for the journal. The papers published in a Special Issue will be collected and displayed on a dedicated page of the journal’s website. Further information on MDPI's Special Issue polices and Guest Editor responsibilities can be found here. For any inquiries related to a Special Issue, please contact the Editorial Office.

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Religiosity and Psychopathology
edited by
submission deadline 28 Feb 2025 | 2 articles | Viewed by 2329 | Submission Open
Keywords: religious depression; demon possession; demon obsession; religious hysteria; magic
(This special issue belongs to the Section Religions and Health/Psychology/Social Sciences)
Faiths for Earth, Geo-Commoning, and New Ethics in the Himalayas
edited by , Jelle J.P. Wouters and Mary Evelyn Tucker
submission deadline 28 Feb 2025 | Viewed by 800 | Submission Open
Keywords: Himalayan– Tibetan highlands; religious ecology; spiritual environmentalisms; commoning; ethics; the Anthro-pocene
Canon Law and Secularization: Societal Trends and the Changing Role of Religious Law
edited by Maria D’Arienzo
submission deadline 28 Feb 2025 | Viewed by 223 | Submission Open
Keywords: secularization; canon law and secularization; religious laws and secularization
(This special issue belongs to the Section Religions and Theologies)
Transitions of Islam and Democracy: Thinking Political Theology
edited by
submission deadline 28 Feb 2025 | Viewed by 203 | Submission Open
Keywords: political Islam; political thought; Islam and democracy; Islamic philosophy; religion and state; Muslim state; Islamic constitution; political rights; political liberty; anocracy
The Question of “Theodicy” in Contemporary Society: The Imagery of (after) Death in Religion and New Forms of Spirituality
edited by Antonio Camorrino
submission deadline 28 Feb 2025 | Viewed by 187 | Submission Open
Keywords: theodicy; religion; new forms of spirituality; ultimate meanings; suffering; death; after-life; imagery
Hindu Sacred Texts and Rituals in Sanskrit Literature
edited by Jon Skarpeid
submission deadline 28 Feb 2025 | Viewed by 110 | Submission Open
Keywords: Sanskrit; rituals; music; materiality; Hinduism; history; India; South-Asia; Indian languages
Performance in Pre-Modern Japanese Religions
edited by Mikael Bauer and Abigail MacBain
submission deadline 1 Mar 2025 | Viewed by 1040 | Submission Open
Keywords: Onmyōdō; kami; Buddhism; material culture; visual arts; performing arts; music; hymns; Bonmyō; poetry; rongi; gagaku; dance; sculpture
Fate in Ancient Greek Philosophy and Religion
edited by and Jorge Luis Gutiérrez
submission deadline 1 Mar 2025 | Viewed by 824 | Submission Open
Keywords: fate; providence; foreknowledge; determinism; free will; divination; fortune; causality; contingent future; necessity
(This special issue belongs to the Section Religions and Humanities/Philosophies)
Religion and the Public Sphere: Revisiting the Boundaries of Theory and Practice in a Postsecular Age
edited by Christopher Baker and Justin Beaumont
submission deadline 1 Mar 2025 | Viewed by 394 | Submission Open
Keywords: religion; spirituality; belief; postsecular; urbanisation; decolonial; intersectionality; activism; solidarity; politics
Voices from the 'Periphery of Islam': Discourses of Authenticity, Rooting and Community-Building
edited by
submission deadline 1 Mar 2025 | Viewed by 352 | Submission Open
Keywords: Islam in Asia; Islam in Africa; Islam in Europe and USA; authenticity; contestive heterogenization; local rooting; Islam from the soil
Rabbinic Thought between Philosophy and Literature
edited by Sergey Dolgopolski
submission deadline 1 Mar 2025 | Viewed by 326 | Submission Open
Keywords: rabbinics; Talmud; midrash; comparative literature; continental philosophy; history of mind and mental states; word-image-concept; noetics; Jewish literature; Jewish thought; Late Antiquity and Middle Ages; history and theory of thought
Exploring the Origins of Religious Beliefs
edited by Peter Bedford
submission deadline 1 Mar 2025 | Viewed by 307 | Submission Open
Keywords: religion-theory and method; religion-origins
Soteriological and Ethical Dimensions of Forgetting in Asian Thought
edited by Youru Wang
submission deadline 1 Mar 2025 | Viewed by 306 | Submission Open
Keywords: Asian religions; Asian philosophies; forgetting; forgetfulness; memory; therapy; ethics; soteriology
Explorations into Yan Zun’s Edition and Commentary to the Daodejing: Laozi Zhigui
edited by and
submission deadline 1 Mar 2025 | Viewed by 64 | Submission Open
Keywords: Yan Zun; Laozi zhigui; Laozi Daodejing; Daoist religion and philosophy
Religious Phenomena in Romania in the 20th and early 21st Centuries
edited by Razvan Brudiu and Mihail K. Qaramah
submission deadline 1 Mar 2025 | Viewed by 22 | Submission Open
Keywords: religious freedom; state– church relationship; communism; mysticism; religious nationalism; religious renewal
Engaged Buddhism for an Engulfed World: New Perspectives on Humanistic Buddhism
edited by and Jakub Zamorski
submission deadline 10 Mar 2025 | 1 articles | Viewed by 1320 | Submission Open
Keywords: engaged or humanistic Buddhism (Renjian Fojiao; 人間佛教); modernization; globalization; Taixu; school-building on monastic properties (廟產興學); multiculturalism
Renewal, Innovation, and Transformation: The Changing Face of Judaism in Modern Times
edited by
submission deadline 15 Mar 2025 | 2 articles | Viewed by 3504 | Submission Open
Comparative Study of the Concepts of Self-Transcendence, Value and Power in the Works of Emerson and Zhuang Zi
edited by and
submission deadline 15 Mar 2025 | Viewed by 99 | Submission Open
Keywords: self-transcendence; value and power; Emerson and Zhuang Zi
(This special issue belongs to the Section Religions and Humanities/Philosophies)
Between Philosophy and Theology: Liminal and Contested Issues
edited by Lenart Škof and Alberto Parisi
submission deadline 15 Mar 2025 | Viewed by 99 | Submission Open
Keywords: philosophical theology; magic and indigenous thought; ontology of miracles; paranormal phenomena; angelic beings; quantum theology; cross-species theology; psychoanalysis and synchronicity; paranormal phenomena; liminality; cross-cultural studies; omniscience between philosophy and theology
(This special issue belongs to the Section Religions and Humanities/Philosophies)
Religion, Ritual, and Healing
edited by and Gerald Murray
submission deadline 31 Mar 2025 | 4 articles | Viewed by 19031 | Submission Open
Keywords: religion; ritual practices; symbol; healing; wellbeing; healthcare; religious communities; globalization
(This special issue belongs to the Section Religions and Health/Psychology/Social Sciences)
Light from the East: The Catholic Eastern Churches Sixty Years After Vatican II
edited by Ines Angeli Murzaku and Ana Victoria Sima
submission deadline 31 Mar 2025 | Viewed by 1458 | Submission Open
Keywords: Eastern Catholic Church; latinized ecclesiology; patriarchates; synodality in Eastern Catholic Churches; Roman-Latin Church synodality; Pope Francis; Patriarch of the West; development of collegiality; Vatican II; Eastern Orthodox Churches; church unity and theological reconciliation
(This special issue belongs to the Section Religions and Humanities/Philosophies)
Roots, Religion and Resistance: Unpacking the Spectrum of Black Nationalist Movements
edited by Kevin Burrell
submission deadline 31 Mar 2025 | Viewed by 532 | Submission Open
Keywords: Pan-Africanism; diaspora; black religions; black nationalism; Garvey; Rastafarianism; black identity; Black Hebrew Israelites; black resistance movements
Biblical and Theological Perspectives on Economic Justice
edited by Paul Hertig and Clinton E. Stockwell
submission deadline 31 Mar 2025 | Viewed by 349 | Submission Open
Keywords: economics; justice; economic justice; biblical theology; economy; injustice; poor; rich; marginalized; wealth; poverty; oppressed sustainability; globalization; liberation; practical theology; mission theology
Heavens and Grottos: New Explorations in Daoist Cosmography
edited by Zhaojie Bai, Vincent Goossaert, Johan Rols and Jonathan Pettit
submission deadline 31 Mar 2025 | Viewed by 298 | Submission Open
Keywords: Daoist heavens; Grotto-heavens; Daoist cosmography
Adolescent Religious Development submission deadline 31 Mar 2025 | Viewed by 273 | Submission Open
Keywords: adolescent religiosity; religion; education; values; spirituality; adolescence; sociology of religion; religious beliefs and practices
Islam and Citizenship: Intersecting Experiences among Migrants and Their Descendants in Europe
edited by and Andrea Calabretta
submission deadline 31 Mar 2025 | Viewed by 147 | Submission Open
Keywords: Islam; lived citizenship; migrants’ descendants; Europe; Muslim activism; citizenry; faith
Christian Monasticism Today: A Search for Identity
edited by Bernard Łukasz Sawicki and
submission deadline 31 Mar 2025 | Viewed by 47 | Submission Open
Keywords: monasticism; culture; history; spirituality; anthropology; philosophy; sociology; archeology
Viktor Frankl and the Future of Religion
edited by
submission deadline 31 Mar 2025 | Viewed by 40 | Submission Open
Keywords: logotherapy; Viktor Frankl; phenomenology; self-transcendence; meaning of life; future of religion; religious studies; psychotherapy
Christian Life and Thought and Their Interaction
edited by Michael Quisinsky
submission deadline 31 Mar 2025 | Viewed by 13 | Submission Open
Keywords: practices of faith; faith and reason; Christianity and culture; rationability; contextuality; theological method; inculturation/exculturation; transculturality
Engaging Religious Plurality within Australian and New Zealand Catholic Schools: Particularity in Dialogue with Diversity
edited by William Sultmann, Peta Goldburg and David Hall
submission deadline 1 Apr 2025 | 4 articles | Viewed by 2997 | Submission Open
Keywords: religious education; Catholic school curriculum; religious plurality; innovation; mission
Emerging Trends in Congregational Engagement and Leadership submission deadline 1 Apr 2025 | Viewed by 398 | Submission Open
Keywords: congregations; religious leadership; clergy; COVID-19; climate change; immigration; demographics; globalization; race/ethnicity; religious nationalism
Revisiting the First Ecumenical Councils: Historical Perspectives and Contemporary Relevance
edited by
submission deadline 1 Apr 2025 | Viewed by 85 | Submission Open
Keywords: ecumenical councils; Nicene creed; Christology; trinity; iconoclasm; arianism; nestorianism; monophysitism; church unity; historical theology
Ancient Cult and Modern Methods: Unearthing the Religions of Ancient Israel and the Surrounding Cultures
edited by Stephanie Selover and Monique Roddy
submission deadline 1 Apr 2025 | Viewed by 51 | Submission Open
Keywords: Israel; Levant; Iron Age I; Iron Age II; religious architecture; religious practices; feasting; material culture of religion
Religion and Politics: Ritual, Performativity, and (Political) Theatre in Comparative-Historical and International Perspective
edited by Patricia J. Sohn
submission deadline 15 Apr 2025 | Viewed by 888 | Submission Open
Keywords: religion; ritual; political; theatre; performativity; politics
Interpreting the Bible: Re-reading Texts, Characters, and Images from Scripture
edited by Ianire Angulo Ordorika and Ignacio Rojas Gálvez
submission deadline 15 Apr 2025 | Viewed by 155 | Submission Open
Keywords: inner-biblical interpretation; exegesis; old testament; new testament; early Judaism
(This special issue belongs to the Section Religions and Theologies)
Theology and Science: Loving Science, Discovering the Divine submission deadline 30 Apr 2025 | 9 articles | Viewed by 16995 | Submission Open
Keywords: science; artificial intelligence; technology; ethics; spirituality; religion; theology
Sikhi, Sikhs and Caste: Lived Experiences in a Global Context
edited by Opinderjit Kaur Takhar
submission deadline 30 Apr 2025 | 4 articles | Viewed by 3234 | Submission Open
Keywords: activism; /bani/; caste; egalitarianism; endogamy; equality; legislation; Panjabi culture; pollution; purity; Sikhi; /zat/
Chinese Religious Cultures: Historical Traditions and Modern Interpretations
edited by , Chuanhui Zeng, Zhejia Tang and Xuedan Li
submission deadline 30 Apr 2025 | 2 articles | Viewed by 2279 | Submission Open
Keywords: modern interpretations; Chinese religious cultures; Buddhist culture; Daoist culture; Islamic culture; Christian culture; Chinese folk religion; Confucian religious thoughts
University of Konstanz, International Conference (25 October, 31 October, 8 November 2024): Emerging Historical Perspectives on Christian-Muslim Interactions in and around the Mediterranean (c. 630–1614)
edited by James Wilson, Eric Böhme, Alejandro Peláez Martín and
submission deadline 30 Apr 2025 | 1 articles | Viewed by 1884 | Submission Open
Keywords: Umayyad Christianity; “ Convivencia” -al-Andalus; Christian “ Conciliarism” and Islam; approaches to translation; Islamic law and Christian otherness; trade activities; knights and literature; early European oriental studies; communication at times of crisis or hardship; medieval soundscapes; urban environments
"What Does Theology Do, Actually?” Dialogue between Differing Theological Approaches
edited by and Matthew Ryan Robinson
submission deadline 30 Apr 2025 | Viewed by 372 | Submission Open
Keywords: theological method; global; intercultural; semantics; ecumenical; comparative; praxis; politics; postcoloniality
Under the Rising Crescent: How and When Became the Middle East an Islamic Region?
edited by Michael Ehrlich and Amichay Schwartz
submission deadline 30 Apr 2025 | Viewed by 294 | Submission Open
Keywords: Islamization; Islamication; conversion; migration; Arabization; Syria; Palestine
Spirituality in Action: Perspectives on New Evangelization
edited by Marek Chmielewski
submission deadline 30 Apr 2025 | Viewed by 177 | Submission Open
Keywords: spirituality; spiritual theology; new evangelization; Gospel preaching; spiritual experience; acts of mercy; witness; inculturation
(This special issue belongs to the Section Religions and Theologies)
Bible and Liturgy in Dialogue
edited by Marco Benini
submission deadline 30 Apr 2025 | Viewed by 162 | Submission Open
Keywords: bible; liturgy; hermeneutics; old/new testament; interpretation; reception; readings; psalms; sacramentality; anamnesis
Urban Governance of Interreligious Dialogue and Freedom of/from Religion submission deadline 30 Apr 2025 | Viewed by 129 | Submission Open
Keywords: interreligious dialogue; urban governance; religious diversity; freedom of/from religion
Religious Symbols and Fashion: Identification, Representation and Regulation in Dress submission deadline 30 Apr 2025 | Viewed by 85 | Submission Open
Keywords: fashion and religions; symbolism of clothing; philosophy and theology of clothing and fashion; art; clothing; fashion; and theology; modern adaptations and fashion; mystical practices and rituals; gender roles and distinctions; personal and spiritual connection; spiritual practice and devotion; interreligious and interspiritual dialogue; spirituality and contemporary culture
Shaping Sacred Knowledge: The Transmission and Legacy of the Chinese Buddhist Canon submission deadline 30 Apr 2025 | Viewed by 76 | Submission Open
Keywords: Chinese Buddhist Canon; Chinese Buddhism; East Asian Buddhism; canonical studies; religious texts; manuscripts and printed canons; multidisciplinary religious research; cultural interactions; digital humanities in religious studies; Buddhist material culture
On the Origins of Western Psychedelia: Exploring Allegro’s The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross
edited by J. Christian Greer and Sharday C. Mosurinjohn
submission deadline 30 Apr 2025 | Viewed by 49 | Submission Open
Keywords: psychedelia; John M. Allegro; The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross
Exploring the Historiography of Muslim Communities in Central Asia
edited by Eren Tasar
submission deadline 1 May 2025 | Viewed by 170 | Submission Open
Keywords: Muslim; historiographical tradition; Islam; Central Asia
Modern Jewish Identities
edited by Daniel Bessner and David Weinfeld
submission deadline 1 May 2025 | Viewed by 131 | Submission Open
Keywords: Judaism/Jews/Jewish; Zionism; diaspora; assimilation; denominationalism
(This special issue belongs to the Section Religions and Humanities/Philosophies)
Pilgrimages of Repair: Journeys to Return, Rebuild and Restore
edited by Heather Warfield
submission deadline 30 May 2025 | Viewed by 54 | Submission Open
Keywords: repair; pilgrimages; multidisciplinary; sacred sites
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