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5–9 August 2017, Weihai, China
The 10th International Dendrimer Symposium and Application Innovation Contest

Dendrimers are globally regarded as “the fourth generation of polymeric materials”, which can be classified as nanomaterials in the domain of advanced materials. Dendrimers are widely utilized in light of their unique structure characteristics in areas of biomedicine; plastic and rubber; coatings and print ink; petroleum; nanomaterials; photosensitive materials; water treatment; aerospace; electronics, etc. Therefore, multiple research areas such as polymer chemistry, organic chemistry and supramolecular chemistry are drawn to dendrimers, making them an essential part of contemporary research in polymer science, as well as one of the most promising areas in modern chemistry.
Chinese Chemical Society will be hosting “The 10th International Dendrimer Symposium” on 5–9 August, 2017, in Weihai, China. This symposium is co-organized by Donghua University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Weihai Chenyuan Dendrimer Technology Co., Ltd. The biennial event has progressively engaged more experts worldwide, ever since the 1st International Dendrimer Symposium hosted in 1999 in Germany, which in turn has facilitated academic exchange and scientific innovation. This symposium is gradually becoming a highly recognized international conference with, authority and a vast array of information exchanged.
This symposium is scheduled as the following: lectures and presentations, product exhibition, equipment and manufacturing technique exhibition, and discussion on international standards. The theme of the symposium is “Dendrimer: Future Orientation”. Parallel sessions are Biomedicine/Nano-medicine, Polymer Chemistry/Self-assembly, Photoelectricity/Energy/Catalysis, Industrialized Application, and Innovation Competition for the Application of Dendrimer Products.


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