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19–21 June 2022, Milan, Italy
Milan Polymer Days International Congress - MIPOL2022

Dear colleagues and friends,

The sixth edition of the Milan Polymer Days—MIPOL2022—international congress will take place on 19–21 June 2022 at the Aula Magna of the University of Milan. As with previous editions, MIPOL2022 is open to contributions on all topics related to polymer science and technology.

Until now, we have received contributions on the following topics:

  • Synthesis of complex polymeric architectures.
  • Polymers from renewable resources.
  • Plants and processes for the recycling of plastic materials.
  • Microplastics.
  • Polymers for nanomedicine.
  • Polymeric nanocomposites.
  • Degradation and stability of polymers.
  • Polymer processing.

This year the congress will take place in person, but will also be broadcasted via streaming, allowing those who will follow it remotely to interact with the speakers present in the classroom.

Delegates from different countries are expected, including Belgium, France, Germany, India, Italy, Mexico, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, and the USA, who will present more than 80 communications, including conferences, short oral presentations, and posters. Ample room will be given to the contributions of young scientists from all nations. We invite young scientists to register for the best poster award competition, which is reserved for them.

For further information, visit the congress web page: www.milanpolymerdays.org.

For any queries, do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected].

Elisabetta Ranucci and Paolo Ferruti
Chairs of the Milan Polymer Days Congress—MIPOL2022


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