
7–10 October 2014, Liberec, Czech Republic
OaM 2014 — Optics and Measurement International Conference 2014

The main topics of the conference are:

  • Optical design, simulation, experimental evaluation of optical system performance
  • Manufacturing glass, plastic, metal and ceramics optical elements
  • Non-classical way of manufacturing and polishing using MRF, IBF, Plasma, Laser etc.
  • Methods and systems for optics measurement
  • Measurement methods employing optical principle
  • Hyperspectral imaging
  • Thin film layer deposition and measurement
  • Fine mechanics for optics
  • Special optics, RTG, HOE, Diffractive, Light guide, Crystal optics
  • Computational imaging, coded aperture systems, etc.
  • Laser optics, optics for space and radiation hard optics

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