
5–9 September 2022, Monastier di Treviso, Italy/Online
Photorefractive Photonics and Beyond 2022 (PR'22)

Photorefractive Photonics and Beyond 2022 (PR'22), which began almost 35 years ago in Los Angeles (USA), is the 18th international conference hosting a series of biennial meetings. This year, the conference will take place in Italy, hosted by the University of Padova.

Starting as an international forum devoted to the study of photorefractivity and photorefractive materials, in recent years, the focus of the conference has broadened to include other optical effects and materials and applications relating to this kind of phenomena. Conference topics include: nonlinear light–matter interaction and applications, novel photorefractive and hybrid materials, holography, signal processing and photonics, fundamentals and novel applications of charge and exciton generation and transport, and optical analogues of complex phenomena.

This year’s conference aims to foster collaboration among a wide range of research areas sharing several aspects, such as the fundamental physics, the basic phenomena besides light­–matter interaction, or possible fabrication methods and applications, in order to foster cross-fertilization and stimulate new ways to exploit the light-driven phenomena, which, at a fundamental level, trigger photorefractivity.

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