
23–25 January 2019, Zell am See, Austria
13th National Congress of the Austrian Society of Nuclear Medicine & Molecular Imaging

The 13th National Congress of the Austrian Society of Nuclear Medicine & Molecular Imaging will take place from January 23 – 25, 2019 in the Ferry Porsche Congress Center (FPCC) in Zell am See, Austria.

The congress is organized by the Austrian Society of Nuclear Medicine & Molecular Imaging (OGNMB) and will be held under the auspices of the EANM.

Authorities with experience in basic science as well as clinicians from Austria will come together to share their experience with us. Lectures will cover the full range of diagnosis and treatment in molecular imaging. Furthermore, new types of session will be introduced to make this congress attractive to nuclear medicine physicians, physicists, radiopharmacists and technologists.

The lecture hall, the poster walk and the exhibition area are directly located on the same floor. This layout ensures and provides easy accessibility as well as excellent face – to – face communication between exhibitors and congress participants.

We would highly appreciate your participation and we are looking forward to seeing you in Zell am See in January, 2019.

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