
15 April 2013, San Diego, CA, USA
Property-Based Drug Design

The optimization of physical properties of a compound is fundamental to the drug discovery process, mainly due to their influence on absorption and distribution in vivo. They provide insight into the in vivo transport processes and knowing the properties will help with choosing the optimal compounds for the task.  It saves costs and time, when compounds are being properly analyzed in the design stage before they are moving into development, as it is important to consider questions such as  how hydrophobicity will affect the solubility of a drug down the line or how the charge of the compound interacts with the absorption by a transport mechanism. Also, the use of predictive models is important, but again, without consideration of the actual physical chemical property of the new compound, the analyses will be based on a different set of data. This one-day symposium will discuss what it takes to create selective and efficacious compounds and to understand the biological data by analyzing the physicochemical properties early on.

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