
16–17 April 2013, San Diego, CA, USA
Constrained Peptides and Macrocyclics Drug Discovery

Peptide therapeutics are making a come-back due to chemical advances that have created new sorts of peptide-based structures that not only combine the best of both, small molecule and antibody drug candidates, but also have unique advantages. Like small molecule compounds, these new peptide derivatives are small enough (under 5 kilodaltons) to be developed into oral therapeutics, but they have the advantage of being large enough to disrupt protein-protein interactions, making them more useful against intracellular targets. This new class of peptides also has the specificity of larger proteins, such as monoclonal antibodies, but without the stability issues. This day and a half meeting will explore the chemistry and drug development advances behind this promising middle space of compounds that are slightly larger than 'small molecules' but smaller than 'biologics'.

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