
20–24 June 2021, Toronto, Canada
The International Symposium on Pneumococci and Pneumococcal Diseases (ISPPD-12)

The International Symposium on Pneumococci and Pneumococcal Diseases - ISPPD-12 will take place 20-24 June 2021 in Toronto, Canada. This is a unique multidisciplinary forum for colleagues from around the world to meet and discuss a variety of topics, generating stimulating debates and fruitful collaborations. Join leading experts and other allied healthcare professionals for this outstanding opportunity to take part in educational sessions and networking opportunities. We plan to have an informative and exciting programme that highlights the areas of substantial recent progress while also posing the tough questions where progress has been more challenging. Plenary sessions will take a cross-disciplinary approach to major areas in the field. Parallel sessions will allow us to explore specific topics that cover areas that include but are not limited to clinical issues, host-immune interactions, genomics, immunology, microbiology, epidemiology and the interface between these areas. Meet-the-Expert sessions and workshops will provide opportunities for interaction with professionals in smaller-structured settings. Researchers at all levels will have an opportunity to present their work in interactive poster sessions.

ISPPD-12’s programme will provide ample opportunities for networking professionally and socially. The social programme promises to be exciting and will allow you to experience the culture and warmth of Toronto.

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