
17–19 April 2016, Thessaloniki, Greece
4th Metabolomics Workshop

The meeting is the continuation of successful meetings that started in Thessaloniki in 2008 and then moved to Athens and Patras.

Past meetings featured renown invited speakers from academia, industry and the regulators advocating and debating on the application of holistic analytical approaches in biomarker discovery in life, plant and food sciences. We intend to bring the same high level of lectures to further promote knowledge on this upcoming field.

The potential and the benefits of applying metabolomics in life and plant/food/nutrition sciences will be the focus of the workshop. Selected examples include (but are not limited to):

  • Human Growth, Healthy Ageing biomarker discovery
  • Disease biomarkers: diagnostic/prognostic, patient stratification
  • Food authenticity/geographical origin verification
  • Investigation of gut microbiota host-guest interactions

Developments on analytical methods, data treatment strategies and tools will also be illustrated Selected software could be shown in live action. The scope is to generate discussion and interaction among the participants. Presentation options are as either oral or poster mode. Afternoon sessions are organised in tutorial mode, showing protocols and tips & tricks.

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