
27 January–1 February 2013, Galveston, TX, USA
Plant Lipids: Structure, Metabolism & Function

The third Gordon Research Conference on "Plant Lipids: Structure, Metabolism, and Function" promises to be an exciting event where the latest research on plant lipids is presented and discussed. For the first time, the conference will be preceded by aGordon Research Seminar on Plant Lipids, providing excellent opportunities for graduate students and postdoctoral researchers to share research, to develop research and social networks in a supportive environment, and to discuss careers and mentoring. We encourage young scientists to participate in the Gordon Research Seminar, and we encourage broad participation in the Gordon Research Conference. Presenters will discuss the latest advances in plant and algal lipid metabolism, oil synthesis, lipid signaling, lipid visualization, lipid biotechnology and its applications, the physiological and developmental roles of lipids, and plant lipids in health. The conference will be a great chance for old and new members of the international plant lipid research community to interact. Applications to attend this conference are open to all researchers interested in plant lipids.

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