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Young Investigator Award

Dear Colleagues,

I am pleased to announce that Dr. Edoardo Baldini is the winner of the Materials 2021 Young Investigator Award. The award consists of a certificate, 2000 CHF, and a rapid open access publication free of charge in Materials. Dr. Edoardo Baldini’s track record of achievements is impressive for a young investigator at this stage of his career. To date, he has published over 30 papers and has delivered over 20 invited presentations.

Dr. Edoardo Baldini was born and raised in Pavia, Italy. He specialized in the field of the ultrafast spectroscopy of condensed matter at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, from which he obtained a Ph.D. degree in Physics in 2017. During his Ph.D. in the groups of Prof. Majed Chergui and Prof. Fabrizio Carbone, he successfully implemented novel femtosecond laser spectroscopy techniques to unravel the dynamics of collective excitations (e.g., excitons, phonons, plasmons...) in different classes of quantum materials. Later, his thesis was published as a book by Springer Nature. Since 2017, Dr. Edoardo Baldini has been a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Physics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he is exploring advanced laser schemes for the ultrafast manipulation of quantum materials together with Prof. Nuh Gedik. His current research interests include the non-equilibrium dynamics of cooperative systems, light-induced phase transitions, and the coherent control of collective modes. Apart from science, his passions include playing classical piano and exploring black and white photography.

I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to all applicants for their interest in this competition, as well as to the members of the multidisciplinary selection committee for their dedication and hard work which made this possible. We received very high-quality applications and it was a very difficult decision to determine our final winner.

On behalf of the editorial office, please join us in congratulating Dr. Edoardo Baldini for his achievements. We are very proud to support young scientists and wish them further success in their careers.

Editor-in-Chief of Materials
Prof. Dr. Maryam Tabrizian
Department of Biomedical Engineering and Faculty of Dentistry McGill University

Materials 2021 Young Investigator Award
Past Winners


Bharat Gwalani
North Carolina State University

Award Committee

Dr. Maryam Tabrizian Chairman
McGill University
Prof. Sung Bo Lee
Seoul National Univ.
Dr. Sebastian Lech
AGH University of Science and Technology
Dr. Gaetano Giunta
Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology


Grzegorz Chladek
Silesian University of Technology, Poland

Award Committee

Ms. Divena Dai Chairman
Section Materials
Ms. Abby Wang
MDPI Branch Office, Beijing


Massuchusetts Institute of Technology

Award Committee

Dr. Maryam Tabrizian Chairman
McGill University
Dr. Thomas Fiedler
The University of Newcastle
Prof. Gigliola Lusvardi
University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
Prof. Pawel Pawlus
Prof. Vlassis Likodimos
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Prof. Klara Hernadi
Dr. F. Pacheco Torgal
Dr. Daolun Chen
Prof. Guillermo Requena
German Aerospace Center


Mathieu Bauchy
University of California, Los Angeles

Award Committee

Dr. Maryam Tabrizian Chairman
McGill University
Prof. Dr. Javier Narciso
Prof. Federico Bella
Politecnico di Torino
Dr. Vincenzo Baglio
Dr. Laszlo Toth
Prof. Dr. Marek Kowalczuk
Prof. Dr. Luyi Sun
University of Connecticut
Prof. Sofoklis Makridis
University of Patras
Prof. Jonathan Phillips
Naval Postgraduate School


Andrea Alù
City University of New York, USA
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