
24 May 2022
Magnetochemistry | New Section “Magnetic Energy” Established

We are pleased to announce the launch of a new Section titled “Magnetic Energy” in the journal Magnetochemistry (ISSN 2312-7481).

The “Magnetic Energy” Section of Magnetochemistry publishes original research papers in all areas of magnetic-based energy systems, including but not limited to: magnetic nanoparticles, supermagnetic nano-sized particles, magnetic nanofins, magnetic refrigeration systems, magnetic nanofluids for energy transfer and storage, magnetohydrodynamics, heat transfer, renewable energy systems, solar desalination, and magnet-based phase-change materials. The Section covers a variety of topics including energy generation, energy storage and transmission, energy management and conversion, magnetic nanoparticles, nuclear and renewable resources, utilization, and sustainability. The Section will publish articles in different formats, such as research reports, short communications, comprehensive reviews, and short opinion articles.


  • magnetohydrodynamic;
  • phase-change materials;
  • magnetic nanofins;
  • supermagnetic nano-sized particles;
  • magnetic nanofluids;
  • magnetocaloric and materials;
  • magnetic refrigeration system;
  • heat transfer, energy transfer, and storage.

For more detailed information, please visit the following link:

Magnetochemistry Editorial Office

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