
3–6 March 2013, Tokyo, Japan
HRI 2013. 8th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction

HRI 2013 is the 8th Annual Conference for basic and applied human-robot interaction research. Scientists from across the world submit their best work and attend HRI to hear the latest theories, data, and videos from the world’s best HRI researchers.

Each year, the HRI conference highlights a particular area. HRI 2013 is devoted to exploring the theme of Holistic Human-Robot development. Robotic solutions are increasingly applied to real world problems such as our aging society, renewable energy, climate control, emergency response, education and exploration. These societal problems require a holistic approach to the design and development of robots that meet human needs, address technical challenges, and foster acceptance in everyday settings.

HRI is a single-track, highly selective annual international conference that seeks to showcase the very best interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research in human-robot interaction with roots in social psychology, cognitive science, HCI, human factors, artificial intelligence, robotics, organizational behavior, anthropology and many more, and we invite broad participation.

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