
19–23 June 2022, Detroit, USA
31st Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing International Conference

FAIM (Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing) is a renowned international forum for academia and industry to disseminate novel research, theories, and practices relevant to automation and manufacturing. The conference will be held on 19–23 June, 2022, at the Wayne State University Campus in Midtown Detroit. The program will facilitate high-quality paper presentations, high-caliber keynote speeches, and industrial visits, with various social programs focusing on the local cultures in Detroit area.

The theme of FAIM 2022 is ‘Human–Data–Technology Nexus in Intelligent Manufacturing and Next Generation Automation.’ Four thematic pillars in automation and intelligence streams underpin this theme:

Manufacturing processes:

  • new and innovative processes;
  • new and innovative processed materials;
  • precision engineering and manufacturing;
  • processing at the micro and nano scales.

Machine tools:

  • design and dynamics;
  • numerical control and mechatronics;
  • accuracy and metrology;
  • intelligent machine tools;
  • process and condition monitoring.

Manufacturing Systems:

  • new manufacturing paradigms;
  • flexible/intelligent automation incl. collaborative robots (RRC, HRC, etc.);
  • system lifecycle engineering;
  • process planning, production planning/scheduling/control;
  • quality control and inspection, TQM;
  • logistics and supply chain engineering;
  • ergonomics, health, and safety;
  • education and training.

Enabling technologies:

  • applied artificial intelligence;
  • machine learning;
  • virtual/augmented reality and digital twins;
  • computational geometry;
  • CAD/CAM;
  • manufacturing networks and security;
  • ontologies and information modelling.

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