
18 January 2024
Recruiting Editor-in-Chief for the Journal of Intelligence

After three years of leading the journal, Prof. Dr. Andrew Conway will be stepping down, and we therefore welcome you to consider taking on the leadership of Journal of Intelligence (J. Intell., ISSN: 2079-3200).

The Editor-in-Chief supervises journal activities with the aim of ensuring the success of the journal within the scientific community. The Editor-in-Chief is responsible for the scientific quality and development of the journal and is expected to maintain communication with the Editorial Board and assist the Editorial Office in the management of the journal. Our Editorial Office will assist the Editor-in-Chief by taking care of all technical aspects of the editorial process, including correspondence with reviewers and authors and preparing accepted manuscripts for publication.

Detailed responsibilities of the Editor-in-Chief include:

  • Acting as an ambassador for the journal, MDPI, and open access;
  • Making scientific decisions on the journal’s scope;
  • Inviting distinguished scientists to join the Editorial Board;
  • Suggesting topics for Special Issues;
  • Providing support and guidance to Section Editors-in-Chief, Editorial Board Members, and editorial staff where required;
  • Maintaining oversight of the editorial process for individual manuscripts (mainly by making the final decision regarding whether a paper can be published after peer-review and revisions);
  • Understanding, leading, and upholding MDPI’s peer-review and ethics guidelines;
  • Performing pre-checks of new manuscripts and making final decisions after peer review and revisions when requested;
  • Chairing the annual Editorial Board meeting.

As an Editor-in-Chief, you will have the unique opportunity to network and communicate with scholars in the human intelligence community, build long-term relationships, and establish your influence within your discipline.

If you are interested in stepping into the role of Editor-in-Chief for the Journal of Intelligence, please contact the journal Editorial Office at and copy before 1 May 2024 with the following two files attached:

  • A full academic CV;
  • A short cover letter that details your interest and enthusiasm for the position.

We look forward to working closely with you in the future.

J. Intell. Editorial Office

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