
12–19 July 2015, Prague, Czech Republic
ISPRS Congress 2016

The year of 2013 was dedicated to the preparation of a reviewing process of Abstracts and Full Papers for the ISPRS Archives and Full Papers for the ISPRS Annals. The process was discussed with the Council members in Hannover in May, adapted in cooperation with Prof. Uwe Stilla from TU Munich, revised by the Secretary General and sent to Technical Commission Presidents for the second review to be prepared and discussed at the Joint Meeting in Antalya in November 2013. The deadline for last amendments was 15 December 2013.
The reviewing process was prepared together with the time schedule of individual steps and due dates for the ISPRS Congress Archives and Annals. Deadline of Full Papers for Annals is 30 November 2015, deadline of Abstract of papers for Archives is 13 December 2015 and deadline of these full papers is 28 February 2016.

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