
25 August–1 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia
The XXII ISPRS Congress

ISPRS2012 offers delegates eight exciting days of tutorials, presentations and technical tours. The main technical programme will consist of plenary sessions, oral presentation sessions with up to twelve parallel streams, and short presentation sessions with interactive, digital posters. And of course there will also be an engaging social programme that will be a mix of cultural and sporting events. Whether you prefer an evening dining at the theatre or a taste of Australian rules football, there will be something for you to enjoy. The social programme will be just a small sample of the highlights of Melbourne, Victoria and Australia.
The main technical programme will consist of plenary sessions, oral presentation sessions with up to nine parallel streams, and poster sessions. Each of the eight Commissions can have an oral presentation stream in every session, and the ninth parallel stream will be reserved for additional events, such as special sessions, the Computer Aided Teaching Contest (CATCON) and the Australasian Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry conference.
Technical Commissions will have the option of a double blind peer review of de-identified full papers, or acceptance based on abstracts only, with all submissions and reviews conducted online. Some Commissions may opt to have both peer reviewed and professional paper streams. Peer reviewed papers will be clearly identified in the proceedings.
The congress in Melbourne will be the first to use electronic posters that allow dynamic content. Poster sessions will be very different. Authors will have the opportunity to make a brief presentation to the session, then discuss their poster with individual delegates at poster "pods"

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