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26–27 September 2018, Bali, Indonesia
The 5 International Conference on Agro-Industry “Agroindustry 4.0: Digital Transformation in Agro-Food Value Chains”

Welcome to the 5th ICoA Department of Agro-Industrial Technology Universitas Gadjah Mada, in cooperation with Department of Agro-Industrial Technology Udayana University, endorsed by Indonesian Association of Agro-Industrial Technologist (APTA), International Association of Agro Industry (IAAI), Indonesian Institute of Life Cycle Assessment in Food Business (ILCA) and Indonesian Research for Supply Chain Development (RISPECIA) take great pleasure in welcoming you to Bali – Indonesia, for the 5th International Conference on Agroindustry, held with the theme “Agroindustry 4.0: Digital Transformation in Agro-Food Value Chains.” The conference will deliver the perfect opportunity for you to share, discuss, and challenge research findings in agroindustry.


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