
25–28 June 2019, University of California, Berkeley, USA
The 3rd International Conference on Smart Grid and Smart Cities (ICSGSC 2019)

For the past few years, smart grids have been the main topic of fervent research and development at both industrial and academic level. The smart grid is envisaged to be the next generation electric grid for Smart Cities. It enables the smart integration of conventional power generation, renewable generation, distributed generation, energy storage, transmission, distribution and demand management. The benefits of smart grid include the enhanced reliability and resilience, higher intelligence and optimized control, decentralized operation, higher operational efficiency, more efficient demand management, and better power quality. However, all these prospected transformations also bring with them numerous challenges and opportunities.

We warmly invite you to participate in the ICSGSC 2019 program and activities and we are confident that you will find the program enriching, enlightening and rewarding.

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