
15 April 2021
Recruiting Editorial Board Members for Fire

Fire (ISSN 2571-6255) is an international peer-reviewed open access journal concerned with the science, policy, and technology of fires and how they interact with communities and the environment. It is published quarterly online by MDPI. Fire is covered in SCIE, Web of Science. For more information about Fire, please visit:

Fire is recruiting Editorial Board Members (EBMs) from the following areas:

  • wildfires, planned / prescribed fires, and laboratory fires;
  • history of fire policy, fire use, and fire impacts;
  • behavioral sciences, decision support tools and risk analysis relating to fire;
  • fire ignition sources, patterns, and projections;
  • applied combustion physics and chemistry;
  • fire behavior and modelling;
  • smoke and heat transport in buildings.

For more details or to see the current Editorial Board of Fire, please visit the journal website at

If you are interested in becoming an Editorial Board Member of Fire, please send your application, including a full academic CV, to [email protected].

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