Editorial Board

Please note that the order in which the Editors appear on this page is alphabetical, and follows the structure of the editorial board presented on the MDPI website under information for editors: editorial board responsibilities.


1. Swiss School of Public Health (SSPH+), Hirschengraben 82, 8001 Zürich, Switzerland
2. Institute of Global Health, Faculty of Medicine, University of Geneva, CH-1202, 8001 Geneva, Switzerland
Interests: global health; public health; travel and migrant health medicine; biomathematics
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Section Editor-in-Chief
Department of Clinical Laboratory, Tongji Hospital, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China
Interests: molecular diagnostics; real-time PCR; point-of-care test; virology; virus-host interaction; pathogen surveillance; molecular epidemiology; emerging viruses
* Section 'Molecular Epidemiology'
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Associate Editor
1. Population Health Laboratory (#PopHealthLab), University of Fribourg, Avenue de l'Europe 20, CH-1700 Fribourg, Switzerland
2. Department of Epidemiology, McGill University, Montreal, QC H3A 1A2, Canada
Interests: public health surveillance & health monitoring; life course & consequential epidemiology; cardiovascular epidemiology & hypertension; health services & quality of care monitoring; preventive care, screening & overdiagnosis

Associate Editor
School of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv, Israel
Interests: preventive medicine; real-world data analysis; pharmacoepidemiology; outcome research; primary care
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Editorial Board Member
School of Community & Environmental Health, College of Health Sciences, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA 23529, USA
Interests: epidemiology; nutrition; malaria; neonatal infections; childhood obesity; vitamin D

Editorial Board Member
1. Health Science Department, Public University Navarra, 3100 Pamplona, Spain
2. Epidemiology Division, Public Health Center, 12003 Castelló de la Plana, Spain
Interests: epidemiology; infectious diseases; allergic diseases; outbreaks; coronavirus diseases; salmonellosis and pork product; vitamin D and tuberculosis; cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease mortality
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Editorial Board Member
Department of Sociology and Criminal Justice, University of Delaware, Newark, DL 19716-2580, USA
Interests: populations epidemiology; mixed race; gender
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Editorial Board Member
School of Physical Therapy, George Fox University, 414 N. Meridian St., Newberg, OR 97132, USA
Interests: blood flow restriction; college; epidemiology; functional tests; sports injury

Editorial Board Member
1. WHO Collaborating Centre for Public Health Aspects of Musculoskeletal Health and Aging, Division of Public Health, Epidemiology and Health Economics, University of Liège, 4000 Liège, Belgium
2. Physical, Rehabilitation Medicine and Sports Traumatology, SportS2, CHU de Liège, University of Liège, 4000 Liège, Belgium
Interests: fracture; osteoarthritis; osteoporosis; epidemiology; musculoskeletal disorders; geriatric assessment

Editorial Board Member
Department of Biomedical Sciences and Public Health, Università Politecnica delle Marche, 60020 Ancona, Italy
Interests: biostatistics; epidemiology; healthcare research; public health; diabetes

Editorial Board Member
Unité des Virus Emergents, Aix Marseille Université, IRD 190, INSERM U1207, Hôpitaux Universitaires de Marseille-APHM, 13005 Marseille, France
Interests: arthropod-borne viruses; vector-borne and zoonotic viral diseases; viruses of medical importance; diagnostics; epidemiology; virus discovery; taxonomy
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Editorial Board Member
School of Public Health, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA 30303, USA
Interests: mathematical epidemiology
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Editorial Board Member
1. Center for Public Health Research, University of Milano – Bicocca, Via Cadore 48, 20900 Monza, Italy
2. Servizio Epidemiologico Aziendale, Agenzia di Tutela della Salute di Bergamo, via Gallicciolli 4, 24121 Bergamo, Italy
Interests: public health; biostatistics; environmental epidemiology; non-communicable diseases; burden of disease; air pollution; climate change
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Editorial Board Member
Laboratory of Microbiology and Virology, “Vita-Salute” San Raffaele University, 20132 Milan, Italy
Interests: monoclonal antibodies; immunology; infectious diseases; virology; herpesviruses

Editorial Board Member
1. School of Health Sciences, Mid Sweden University, 851 70 Sundsvall, Sweden
2. Faculty of Medicine and Health Care, al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty 050040, Kazakhstan
Interests: public health; prevention; promotion; health economics and health systems; implementation; evaluation; community-based participatory research
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Editorial Board Member
Honorary Senior Lecturer, Wolfson Institute of Population Health, Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry, Queen Mary University of London, London EC1M 6BQ, UK
Interests: emerging infectious diseases; infection prevention and control; climate change and vector borne diseases; HIV; viral Hepatitis; sexually transmitted diseases; tuberculosis
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Editorial Board Member
Department of Health Policy, Management, and Leadership, Robert C. Byrd Health Sciences Center, School of Public Health, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV 26506-9149, USA
Interests: syringe access; hepatitis C virus prevention; telehealth in rural areas

Editorial Board Member
Section of Public Health and Human Sciences, Department of Medical and Surgical Specialties, Radiological Sciences, and Public Health, University of Brescia, Piazzale Spedali Civili, 1, 25123 Brescia, Italy
Interests: occupational health; environmental health; gene-environment; metals; organic solvents; pollutants
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Editorial Board Member
1. National Reference Centre for Gastroenteritis Viruses, Laboratory of Virology, University Hospital of Dijon, 21000 Dijon, France
2. UMR PAM A 02.102 Microbiology and Food Processes, University of Bourgogne/AgroSup, 21000 Dijon, France
3. School of Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Bourgogne, 21000 Dijon, France
Interests: virology; gastroenteritis viruses; norovirus; rotavirus; hepatitis E virus; emerging enteric viruses; viral emergence and evolution; molecular epidemiology and diagnostics; histo-blood group antigen interactions

Editorial Board Member
Department of Physics and Astronomy, Texas Christian University (TCU), Fort Worth, TX 76129, USA
Interests: mathematical modeling; infectious diseases; viral dynamics; epidemics
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Editorial Board Member
Institute of Public Health, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal
Interests: Tuberculosis; Mycobacteria; COVID

Editorial Board Member
Département de Santé, UR7310 Université de Corse Pascal Paoli, 20250 Corte, France
Interests: epidemiology; virology; respiratory disease; emerging disease

Editorial Board Member
Influenza Prevention and Control Team (IPACT), Epidemiology & Prevention Branch, NCIRD/Influenza Division, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA 30068, USA
Interests: epidemiology of infectious diseases; quantitative methods; mathematical transmission models; arboviruses; basic reproduction number; MCMC

Editorial Board Member
Department of Oral Biology and Experimental Dental Research, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Szeged, 6720 Szeged, Hungary
Interests: antimicrobial resistance; antimicrobial stewardship; knowledge-attitude-practice (KAP); questionnaires; epidemiology; public health; bacteriology; novel antimicrobials
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Editorial Board Member
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Sciences, “Sapienza” University of Rome, 00161 Rome, Italy
Interests: orthodontics; clinical gnathology; TMD; presurgical orthodontics; craniofacial malformations

Editorial Board Member
Department of Cardiovascular, Endocrine-Metabolic diseases, and Ageing, Istituto Superiore di Sanità (Italian National Institute of Health), 00161 Rome, Italy
Interests: aging; frailty; social determinants of health; cognitive decline; epidemiology; public health

Editorial Board Member
Department of Biomedical Sciences, One Health Center for Zoonoses and Tropical Veterinary Medicine, Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine, Basseterre 334, Saint Kitts and Nevis
Interests: molecular epidemiology; genetic diversity and interspecies transmission of enteric and respiratory viruses of animals and humans

Editorial Board Member
Adelaide Medical School, The University of Adelaide, Adelaide, SA 5005, Australia
Interests: musculoskeletal epidemiology; cohort studies; population-based studies; surveys; health economics; public heath; chronic disease surveillance
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