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18–21 June 2023, Athens, Greece
33rd European Symposium on Computer-Aided Process Engineering (ESCAPE-33)

Dear colleagues and friends,

The 33rd European Symposium on Computer-Aided Process Engineering (ESCAPE-33) will take place in Athens from Sunday, June 18th to Wednesday, June 21st, 2023. The ESCAPE-33 event is organized under the auspices of the European Federation of Chemical Engineering (EFCE Event No. 776), the CAPE Working Party (CAPE-WP), the Technical Chamber of Greece, the Pan Hellenic Association of Chemical Engineers, and the National Technical University of Athens.

The ESCAPE conference series provides essential and vital events that are enjoyed by international audiences, bringing together active members of the process systems engineering community from many countries worldwide. The series first started in 1992. Since then, the events have been hosted by most European countries, and twice by Greece in earlier years (Rhodos: 1996, Porto Carras: 2011). Recently, due to COVID-19, the series had to run virtual events instead (Milano 2020, Istanbul 2021). However, the ESCAPE series successfully returned to a normal, face-to-face meeting in 2022 (Toulouse, France). For more details on the ESCAPE series, visit the CAPE Working Party website.

ESCAPE-33 anticipates emerging and significant challenges in process systems engineering, as these relate to the sustainable development of chemical processes, the development and the systematic evaluation of processing technologies and process innovations, and research promoting circular economy paradigms including social aspects and social engagement networks to incentivize and involve citizens. ESCAPE-33 recognizes industrial biotechnology as an important driver and enabler for new chemistries, alongside data engineering as a technological challenge with a significant impact on many systems technologies.

It is anticipated that this conference will attract a significant number of people from academia, research institutions, and industrial organizations. The symposium, including several networking activities, will cover the most up-to-date topics related to process systems engineering. Presentations given by distinguished European and other world-renowned plenary and keynote speakers will offer a cutting-edge to the symposium. The event will be coordinated with guided visits to major archeological sites and museums, cultural events in Athens, including options to attend theatrical performances at the Herod Atticus Odeon, and guided tours of the monuments that have marked the contemporary face of Old Athens.

We are looking forward to warmly welcoming you in Athens.

Prof. Antonis Kokossis
School of Chemical Engineering NTUA
Department of Process Analysis and Plant Design


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