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7–10 September 2021, Milano, Italy
3rd PCNS Passive Components Networking Symposium

PCNS Passive Components Networking Symposium is a bi-annual international symposium organized by EPCI European Passive Components Institute in co-operation with an European university focusing on all aspects of passive electronic components industry including materials, technologies, new products, end applications etc. The 3rd edition of the PCNS Passive Components Networking Days Symposium is hosted by Department of Chemistry, Materials and Chemical Engineering “Giulio Natta” and Department of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering of Politecnico di Milano. It is intended as a live event with speakers present with streaming options for virtual attendees. 3rd PCNS Conference main Theme is RELIABILITY & SUSTAINABILITY of PASSIVE COMPONENTS. The conference theme will be elaborated in conference Workshop, Hot Topic Panel Discussion, Keynote and papers selection preferences.


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