
3–5 November 2016, Nashville, TN, USA
4th Annual conference on Contemporary Management of Aerodigestive Disease In Children

We have confirmed over 30 speakers and panelists from a range of disciplines that include Otolaryngology, Pulmonology, Gastroenterology, Speech Pathology, Nutrition, Healthcare Administration and more. Thursday, November 3, will feature an afternoon business session, including how to start and run an Aerodigestive Program, cost estimation in aerodigestive care, and measuring patient-centered outcomes. Friday and Saturday (November 4 and 5) are filled with lectures, panels and breakout sessions spanning all aspects of aerodigestive disease management from intrapartum treatments to transitions to adulthood.

New to the program this year is the invitation to submit research for group presentation. After independent review, high-scoring projects will receive podium presentation, while others will be featured in a poster session. Preliminary research, case series, and interesting case reports are all eligible. The goal is open sharing of new concepts and observations affecting the care of children with aerodigestive diseases. Research presented at this meeting is not bound to the meeting or to any subspecialty journal. Conference attendees, panelists and lecturers alike are welcome to submit research for presentation, and we welcome resident and fellow presenters as well.

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