Travel Award

Dear Colleagues,

As Editor-in-Chief, I am pleased to announce the two winners of the 2020 Travel Awards sponsored by Biomolecules.

This year’s awards are granted to Dr. Roberto Berni, University of Siena, and Ms. Vera Isca, Ph.D. student at University of Lisbon. The awards consist of 500 Swiss Francs each to support the winners’ attendance at an academic conference of their choice in 2020.

Dr. Roberto Berni is a biologist with a PhD in Life Sciences from the University of Siena (Italy). His research is focused on the multipronged analysis of Tuscan noncommercial varieties of sweet cherry fruits.

Ms. Vera Isca is a PhD student at University of Lisbon in the field of Pharmaceutical and Therapeutic Chemistry.

We would like to congratulate the winners and thank the selection committee for their excellent work in the hard task of selecting the winners from the large number of excellent candidate profiles submitted for consideration.

Dr. Vladimir N. Uversky
Editor-in-Chief, Biomolecules

Biomolecules 2020 Travel Award
Past Winners


Dr. Roberto Berni
Life Sciences from the University of Siena (Italy).
Ms. Vera Isca
University of Lisbon in the field of Pharmaceutical and Therapeutic Chemistry.

Award Committee

Prof. Vladimir N. Uversky Chairman
University of South Florida
Prof. Dr. Anika E Wagner
Justus-Liebig University Giessen, Institute of Nutritional Sciences
Prof. Francesco Giorgino
Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro
Prof. Georges C. LOGNAY
GxABT - University of Liege
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