
13 January 2021
Recruiting Editors-in-Chief for New Sections “AI in Autonomous Systems” and “Medical & Healthcare AI” in AI

In order to better categorize the papers published in the journal, AI (ISSN 2673-2688) have announced two new Sections “AI in Autonomous Systems” and “Medical & Healthcare AI”. Therefore, new postions for Editors-in-Chief are open for applications.

AI (ISSN 2673-2688) is an international and interdisciplinary scholarly open access journal, published quarterly online by MDPI, on artificial intelligence. It publishes original research articles, reviews, communications, that offer substantial new insight into any field of study that involves artificial intelligence (AI), including machine and deep learning, knowledge reasoning and discovery, automated planning and scheduling, natural language processing and recognition, computer vision, robotics, and artificial general intelligence.

Should you decide to serve on the sections, you would be responsible for some of the following tasks:

  • Making decisions on whether a manuscript can be accepted or not based on the reports we collect;
  • Checking and approve the potential Special Issues in the section, suggest special topics or edit a Special Issue on a topic related to your research;
  • Recommending section board members to join and contribute to editorial work;
  • Promoting the journal and increasing its visibility at related academic conferences;
  • Advising on journal development.

If you are interested in this role or if you have any further inquiries, please feel free to contact us ([email protected]).

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