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Quantum Rep., Volume 2, Issue 2 (June 2020) – 8 articles

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11 pages, 840 KiB  
Holographic Screens Are Classical Information Channels
by Chris Fields and Antonino Marcianò
Quantum Rep. 2020, 2(2), 326-336; - 19 Jun 2020
Cited by 15 | Viewed by 2871
The ideas of classical communication and holographic encoding arise in different parts of physics. Here, we show that they are equivalent. This allows for us to reformulate the holographic principle independently of spacetime, as the principle that holographic screens encode interaction eigenvalues. Full article
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12 pages, 459 KiB  
Quantum-Only Metrics in Spherically Symmetric Gravity
by Giovanni Modanese
Quantum Rep. 2020, 2(2), 314-325; - 18 Jun 2020
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 2153
The Einstein action for the gravitational field has some properties which make of it, after quantization, a rare prototype of systems with quantum configurations that do not have a classical analogue. Assuming spherical symmetry in order to reduce the effective dimensionality, we have [...] Read more.
The Einstein action for the gravitational field has some properties which make of it, after quantization, a rare prototype of systems with quantum configurations that do not have a classical analogue. Assuming spherical symmetry in order to reduce the effective dimensionality, we have performed a Monte Carlo simulation of the path integral with transition probability e β | S | . Although this choice does not allow to reproduce the full dynamics, it does lead us to find a large ensemble of metric configurations having action | S | ħ by several magnitude orders. These vacuum fluctuations are strong deformations of the flat space metric (for which S = 0 exactly). They exhibit a periodic polarization in the scalar curvature R. In the simulation we fix a length scale L and divide it into N sub-intervals. The continuum limit is investigated by increasing N up to 10 6 ; the average squared action S 2 is found to scale as 1 / N 2 and thermalization of the algorithm occurs at a very low temperature (classical limit). This is in qualitative agreement with analytical results previously obtained for theories with stabilized conformal factor in the asymptotic safety scenario. Full article
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9 pages, 341 KiB  
Correlations between Complexity and Entanglement in a One-Dimensional XY Model
by V. M. Apel, Douglas Mundarain, Flavia Pennini and Angelo Plastino
Quantum Rep. 2020, 2(2), 305-313; - 24 May 2020
Cited by 2 | Viewed by 2457
Many people believe that the study of complex quantum systems may be simplified by first analyzing the static and dynamic entanglement present in those systems [Phys. Rev. A 66 (2002) 032110]. In this paper, we attempt to complement such notion by adding an [...] Read more.
Many people believe that the study of complex quantum systems may be simplified by first analyzing the static and dynamic entanglement present in those systems [Phys. Rev. A 66 (2002) 032110]. In this paper, we attempt to complement such notion by adding an order–disorder quantifier called statistical complexity and studying how it is correlated with the degree of entanglement as measured by the concurrence quantifier. We perform such an analysis with reference to a representative system chosen from condensed matter theory, the so-called X Y model. Some interesting insight is obtained as the concurrence and the complexity become correlated in an unexpected fashion. Full article
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12 pages, 562 KiB  
Measurement-Based Adaptation Protocol with Quantum Reinforcement Learning in a Rigetti Quantum Computer
by Julio Olivares-Sánchez, Jorge Casanova, Enrique Solano and Lucas Lamata
Quantum Rep. 2020, 2(2), 293-304; - 19 May 2020
Cited by 9 | Viewed by 3954
We present an experimental realisation of a measurement-based adaptation protocol with quantum reinforcement learning in a Rigetti cloud quantum computer. The experiment in this few-qubit superconducting chip faithfully reproduces the theoretical proposal, setting the first steps towards a semiautonomous quantum agent. This experiment [...] Read more.
We present an experimental realisation of a measurement-based adaptation protocol with quantum reinforcement learning in a Rigetti cloud quantum computer. The experiment in this few-qubit superconducting chip faithfully reproduces the theoretical proposal, setting the first steps towards a semiautonomous quantum agent. This experiment paves the way towards quantum reinforcement learning with superconducting circuits. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Exclusive Feature Papers of Quantum Reports)
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15 pages, 377 KiB  
Classical Predictions for Intertwined Quantum Observables Are Contingent and Thus Inconclusive
by Karl Svozil
Quantum Rep. 2020, 2(2), 278-292; - 13 May 2020
Cited by 9 | Viewed by 3352
Classical evaluations of configurations of intertwined quantum contexts induce relations, such as true-implies-false and true-implies-true, but also nonseparability among the input and output terminals. When combined, these exploitable configurations (also known as gadgets) deliver the strongest form of classical value indefiniteness. However, the [...] Read more.
Classical evaluations of configurations of intertwined quantum contexts induce relations, such as true-implies-false and true-implies-true, but also nonseparability among the input and output terminals. When combined, these exploitable configurations (also known as gadgets) deliver the strongest form of classical value indefiniteness. However, the choice of the respective configuration among all such collections, and thus the relation of its terminals, remains arbitrary and cannot be motivated by some superselection principle inherent to quantum or classical physics. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Exclusive Feature Papers of Quantum Reports)
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12 pages, 272 KiB  
Quantum Electrochemical Equilibrium: Quantum Version of the Goldman–Hodgkin–Katz Equation
by Abdallah Barjas Qaswal
Quantum Rep. 2020, 2(2), 266-277; - 28 Apr 2020
Cited by 13 | Viewed by 6521
The resting membrane voltage of excitable cells such as neurons and muscle cells is determined by the electrochemical equilibrium of potassium and sodium ions. This voltage is calculated by using the Goldman–Hodgkin–Katz equation. However, from the quantum perspective, ions with significant quantum tunneling [...] Read more.
The resting membrane voltage of excitable cells such as neurons and muscle cells is determined by the electrochemical equilibrium of potassium and sodium ions. This voltage is calculated by using the Goldman–Hodgkin–Katz equation. However, from the quantum perspective, ions with significant quantum tunneling through closed channels can interfere with the electrochemical equilibrium and affect the value of the membrane voltage. Hence, in this case the equilibrium becomes quantum electrochemical. Therefore, the model of quantum tunneling of ions is used in this study to modify the Goldman–Hodgkin–Katz equation in such a way to calculate the resting membrane voltage at the point of equilibrium. According to the present calculations, it is found that lithium—with its lower mass—shows a significant depolarizing shift in membrane voltage. In addition to this, when the free gating energy of the closed channels decreases, even sodium and potassium ions depolarize the resting membrane voltage via quantum tunneling. This study proposes the concept of quantum electrochemical equilibrium, at which the electrical potential gradient, the concentration gradient and the quantum gradient (due to quantum tunneling) are balanced. Additionally, this concept may be used to solve many issues and problems in which the quantum behavior becomes more influential. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Quantum Aspects of Physiology)
13 pages, 828 KiB  
Quantum Electromagnetic Finite-Difference Time-Domain Solver
by Dong-Yeop Na and Weng Cho Chew
Quantum Rep. 2020, 2(2), 253-265; - 10 Apr 2020
Cited by 8 | Viewed by 3472
We employ another approach to quantize electromagnetic fields in the coordinate space, instead of the mode (or Fourier) space, such that local features of photons can be efficiently, physically, and more intuitively described. To do this, coordinate-ladder operators are defined from mode-ladder operators [...] Read more.
We employ another approach to quantize electromagnetic fields in the coordinate space, instead of the mode (or Fourier) space, such that local features of photons can be efficiently, physically, and more intuitively described. To do this, coordinate-ladder operators are defined from mode-ladder operators via the unitary transformation of systems involved in arbitrary inhomogeneous dielectric media. Then, one can expand electromagnetic field operators through the coordinate-ladder operators weighted by non-orthogonal and spatially-localized bases, which are propagators of initial quantum electromagnetic (complex-valued) field operators. Here, we call them QEM-CV-propagators. However, there are no general closed form solutions available for them. This inspires us to develop a quantum finite-difference time-domain (Q-FDTD) scheme to numerically time evolve QEM-CV-propagators. In order to check the validity of the proposed Q-FDTD scheme, we perform computer simulations to observe the Hong-Ou-Mandel effect resulting from the destructive interference of two photons in a 50/50 quantum beam splitter. Full article
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20 pages, 525 KiB  
Time Operator, Real Tunneling Time in Strong Field Interaction and the Attoclock
by Ossama Kullie
Quantum Rep. 2020, 2(2), 233-252; - 7 Apr 2020
Cited by 2 | Viewed by 2775
Attosecond science, beyond its importance from application point of view, is of a fundamental interest in physics. The measurement of tunneling time in attosecond experiments offers a fruitful opportunity to understand the role of time in quantum mechanics. In the present work, we [...] Read more.
Attosecond science, beyond its importance from application point of view, is of a fundamental interest in physics. The measurement of tunneling time in attosecond experiments offers a fruitful opportunity to understand the role of time in quantum mechanics. In the present work, we show that our real T-time relation derived in earlier works can be derived from an observable or a time operator, which obeys an ordinary commutation relation. Moreover, we show that our real T-time can also be constructed, inter alia, from the well-known Aharonov–Bohm time operator. This shows that the specific form of the time operator is not decisive, and dynamical time operators relate identically to the intrinsic time of the system. It contrasts the famous Pauli theorem, and confirms the fact that time is an observable, i.e., the existence of time operator and that the time is not a parameter in quantum mechanics. Furthermore, we discuss the relations with different types of tunneling times, such as Eisenbud–Wigner time, dwell time, and the statistically or probabilistic defined tunneling time. We conclude with the hotly debated interpretation of the attoclock measurement and the advantage of the real T-time picture versus the imaginary one. Full article
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