Economic use of organic and inorganic fertilizers following their availability is necessary for livestock-based Nepalese farming systems. However, how best to integrate these fertilizers in an appropriate manner is not yet clear. Thus, this study was conducted in the horticulture farm of the Agriculture and Forestry University (AFU), Rampur, Chitwan, Nepal from November 2018 to February 2019 to evaluate the effect of organic and inorganic sources of nitrogen (N) on growth, yield, and quality of beetroot (
Beta vulgaris L.) varieties. The experiment was laid out in a two factorial randomized complete block design with four replications consisting of two beetroot varieties, i.e., Madhur and Ruby Red, and five N source combinations, i.e., N
1: 100% poultry manure (PM), N
2: 50% PM + 50% urea, N
3: 100% farmyard manure (FYM), N
4: 50% FYM + 50% urea, and N
5: 100% urea (120:80:40 kg NPK ha
−1). Results of this study indicated a significant impact of N sources and varieties on the assessed parameters. During harvest, a significantly higher plant height (41.84 cm), number of leaves per plant (14.68), leaf length (34.56 cm), leaf width (11.38 cm), and beetroot diameter (72.15 mm) were observed in the N
2 treatment. Likewise, higher economic (49.78 t ha
−1) and biological yields (78.69 t ha
−1) were also recorded in the N
2 compared to other N sources. Out of the two varieties, the Madhur variety was significantly better in most growth and yield parameters. Similarly, the Madhur variety showed a significantly higher economic (44.49 t ha
−1) and biological yields (69.79 t ha
−1) compared to the Ruby Red variety. However, the physiological weight loss was higher in the Ruby Red variety. Therefore, the current study suggests that an integration of poultry manure along with the combination of N fertilizer and the Madhur variety is the best combination for quality beetroot production in the Terai region of Nepal.
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