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Eur. J. Investig. Health Psychol. Educ., Volume 9, Issue 2 (Augutst 2019) – 5 articles , Pages 59-118

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10 pages, 285 KiB  
Social support, emotional intelligence and academic performance in Secondary Education
by Iratxe Antonio-Agirre, Aránzazu Rodríguez-Fernández and Lorena Revuelta
Eur. J. Investig. Health Psychol. Educ. 2019, 9(2), 109-118; - 30 Jan 2019
Cited by 15 | Viewed by 4620
Social support (family, teachers, and peer group), as well as the perceptions individuals have about their own emotional abilities could be factors that affect academic performance in Secondary Education, despite the empirical evidence is not entirely conclusive. The objective of this study is [...] Read more.
Social support (family, teachers, and peer group), as well as the perceptions individuals have about their own emotional abilities could be factors that affect academic performance in Secondary Education, despite the empirical evidence is not entirely conclusive. The objective of this study is to examine the direct influence of the main sources of social support and perceived emotional intelligence in academic attainment in Compulsory and Post-Compulsory Secondary Education students. The sample is composed of 850 students (41.4% men and 58.6% women; Mage=14.38 years, SD=1.69) from the Basque Country, selected by random sampling. This sample completed the Relational Support Inventory (RSI) for measuring social support, and the Trait Meta-Mood Scale (TMMS-22) for assessing perceived emotional intelligence. The average overall grades were also obtained as an indicator of academic achievement. The data, obtained through multiple regressions, show that perceived support from family and teachers have a direct and noteworthy effect on academic achievement in Secondary Education. This study highlights the greater importance of family and teacher support in socio-personal adjustment during Secondary School compared to perceived emotional intelligence. Full article
13 pages, 511 KiB  
Approaches to learning, self-regulation and self-efficacy in the academic performance of university students
by Javier Gómez Martínez and Agustín Romero Medina
Eur. J. Investig. Health Psychol. Educ. 2019, 9(2), 95-107; - 27 Jan 2019
Cited by 20 | Viewed by 1706
The influence of learning approaches, the styles of self-regulation that the student considers in his academic task (self-regulation before, during and after the task) and the perceived academic self-efficacy of university students in their academic performance are analyzed. For this purpose, 136 participants [...] Read more.
The influence of learning approaches, the styles of self-regulation that the student considers in his academic task (self-regulation before, during and after the task) and the perceived academic self-efficacy of university students in their academic performance are analyzed. For this purpose, 136 participants of the 2nd year of the Degree in Psychology are available. The results show that students with good previous performance, greater self-efficacy and self-regulation better explain academic success. Of the approaches of learning it is necessary to emphasize that, as in other investigations, the most related to the academic performance is the strategic approach. However, the less successful students seem to contradict the results of other investigations predominating in them a deep approach. Along with these results, significant relationships are also shown between strategic approach, self-efficacy and self-regulation, but not with the deep approach. The bidirectional relationship of these variables with academic performance and with each other is discussed, particularly in regard to strategic approaches and self-regulation, including here the declarative metacognition factor of self-efficacy and its influence as an expectation of academic performance. Full article
12 pages, 336 KiB  
Effort-reward imbalance and subjective health complaints: exploratory study among physicians in Spain
by Gumersindo Tirado, Marta Llorente-Alonso and Gabriela Topa
Eur. J. Investig. Health Psychol. Educ. 2019, 9(2), 59-70; - 22 Jan 2019
Cited by 10 | Viewed by 1383
This cross-sectional study aimed to explore whether the impact of Effort-Reward Imbalance (ERI) on health complaints was moderated by overcommitment. A sample of 164 Spanish medical doctors that filled in a paper and pencil questionnaire. The negative effect of perceived ERI on subjective [...] Read more.
This cross-sectional study aimed to explore whether the impact of Effort-Reward Imbalance (ERI) on health complaints was moderated by overcommitment. A sample of 164 Spanish medical doctors that filled in a paper and pencil questionnaire. The negative effect of perceived ERI on subjective health complaints was stronger for employees with high or medium overcommitment, while it was positive and non-significant for those with low overcommitment. The present study can contribute to a better understanding of how and when ERI boosts the risk of subjective health complaints. Accordingly, early intervention designed to buffer the negative effects of ERI would focus on increasing individual level of overcommitment. Full article
12 pages, 324 KiB  
Measure of perceived social support during adolescence (APIK)
by Iker Izar de la Fuente, Aránzazu Rodríguez-Fernández and Naiara Escalante Mateos
Eur. J. Investig. Health Psychol. Educ. 2019, 9(2), 83-94; - 16 Jan 2019
Cited by 4 | Viewed by 1198
El apoyo social se ha convertido en un tema de gran interés en distintas disciplinas científicas lo que ha generado una gran diversidad de definiciones que han derivado en una elevada cantidad y heterogeneidad de instrumentos de medida. Además apenas existen instrumentos que [...] Read more.
El apoyo social se ha convertido en un tema de gran interés en distintas disciplinas científicas lo que ha generado una gran diversidad de definiciones que han derivado en una elevada cantidad y heterogeneidad de instrumentos de medida. Además apenas existen instrumentos que diferencien las fuentes de apoyo social pese a considerarse un componente vital. De este modo, el objetivo de esta investigación es elaborar y validar un instrumento para medir el apoyo social percibido en Educación Secundaria. Participaron en la investigación 323 estudiantes de Educación Secundaria de un instituto de Vitoria-Gasteiz con edades comprendidas entre los 13 y 18 años (M=14.41; DT=1.18), de los cuales 128 eran chicos (40%) y 195 (60%) chicas, a los que se aplicaron los cuestionarios: APIK, AFA-R y HBSC. Los resultados obtenidos confirman la estructura tridimensional (familia, amigos y profesorado) del cuestionario, con excelentes índices de consistencia interna y fiabilidad. En consecuencia, el nuevo cuestionario consigue solventar la limitación de otros instrumentos de medida que evaluaban por separado las fuentes, no encajaban con la concepción teórica del apoyo social, eran demasiado extensos, etc. Full article
11 pages, 284 KiB  
Victims of bullying possible cyber-aggressors
by Isabel Cuadrado Gordillo, Inmaculada Fernández Antelo and Guadalupe Martín-Mora Parra
Eur. J. Investig. Health Psychol. Educ. 2019, 9(2), 71-81; - 13 Jan 2019
Cited by 9 | Viewed by 1187
In the last decade, many of the studies related to school coexistence analyze the detection and analysis of situations of bullying and cyberbullying among peers. Their results have revealed that they are two closely linked phenomena and that the existence of one can [...] Read more.
In the last decade, many of the studies related to school coexistence analyze the detection and analysis of situations of bullying and cyberbullying among peers. Their results have revealed that they are two closely linked phenomena and that the existence of one can highly predict the appearance of the other. This study analyzes the co-occurrence of bullying and cyberbullying phenomena from the transfer of the role of victim to cyber-aggressor, forming a new aggressive-victim profile. The sample consisted of 1.648 adolescents of ages from 12 to 16 years. The results reveal the existence of 152 adolescents who play the role of cyberaggressive-victims. In relation to the synergy detected between the type of abuse suffered and committed, the results indicate that young people generally use the modalities 'visual' and 'verbal-written' to attempt against their peers with the same frequency with which they suffer other aggressions. That is, e-mails, instant messaging and sending of compromised images or videos are the most used behaviors by these cyberaggressive-victims. Finally, this study will promote a greater understanding of the processes of aggression and victimization with the aim of contributing to the adjustment of prevention and intervention programs in situations of bullying and cyberbullying. Full article
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