2021–2022 Best Video Abstract Award
Dear Colleagues,
The editorial team would like to congratulate the winner of the Robotics 2021–2022 Best Video Abstract Award. The winner was selected by the journal’s Editor-in-Chief, Prof. Dr. Marco Ceccarelli, following deliberation by the Award Evaluation Committee.
Screwdriving Gripper That Mimics Human Two-Handed Assembly Tasks
By Sangchul Han, Myoung-Su Choi, Yong-Woo Shin, Ga-Ram Jang, Dong-Hyuk Lee, Jungsan Cho, Jae-Han Park and Ji-Hun Bae
Robotics 2022, 11(1), 18; doi:10.3390/robotics11010018
The winner will receive CHF 500, an electronic certificate, and a chance to publish a paper free of charge after peer review in Robotics in 2023.
Please join us in congratulating the winner. We would also like to thank all of our authors for their continued support.
Kind regards,
Robotics Editorial Office