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18–20 May 2020, Center for Tomorrow, University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, USA
STRATUS 2020 - Systems and Technologies for Remote Sensing Applications Through Unmanned Aerial Systems

Conference description: The 2020 STRATUS conference brings together academics, industry representatives, and domain specialists to share perspectives on this rapidly evolving field of a wide range of topics. Since its inception in 2016, STRATUS went from a one-day to two-day, and now a three-day workshop to a three-day conference and a pre-conference field trip. Based on the received request from attendees, we have expanded the workshops to reach entities beyond the original scope of a Western New York audience.

What sets the non-profit STRATUS 2020 apart for other specialized or larger UAS meetings is that the range of topics addressing important interdisciplinary topics ranging from the latest challenges in UAV platform design and technology to sensor design, information gathering and processing, and modeling to produce that support the decision-making.

Paper Submissions: We will set up a related special issue, if you have any submission plan, you can send an Abstract to Dr. Bahram Salehi <>.

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