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22–26 June 2020, Lanzhou, China
12th International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP 2020)

The International Permafrost Association is pleased to announce that the 12 th International Conference on Permafrost to be held in Lanzhou, China on 22–26 June 2020. The Conference theme is Permafrost environments under persistent warming: Challenges for scientific assessment and engineering practice.

This conference will focus on permafrost changes and the corresponding environmental affects under the climate warm ing , share experiences in cold regions engineering construction, and exchange the recent acknowledgements in all fields of permafrost research around the world The conference provides 8 sessions with 25 topics, covering all aspects of permafrost research, for the attendance to show and exchange their research achievements and experiences.

China has constructed the Qinghai Tibet Railway (QTR), the Qinghai Kang Expressway, the Qinghai Tibet Power Transmission Line and the Chaidar Muli Rail Link in the Qinghai Tibet Plateau (QTP), and the Russia China Crude Oil Pipeline in the North east China To show these permafrost engineering and relative permafrost environments, six field excursions will be provided after the conference session days. The participants can visit the Third Polar (QTP), the Qilian Mountains in the North west China, the Ordos Loess Plateau in the North China and Daxing anling Mountains in the North east China, where a new field foun dation for permafrost research was constructed.

We are looking forward to welcoming you to China in the coming 2020.

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