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9–12 November 2019, Sendai, Japan
World Bosai Forum/ International Disaster Risk Conference 2019

The World Bosai Forum proposes solutions from various points of view to enable disaster risk reduction in Japan and overseas, and aims to promote the implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015–2030 while learning from each other and creating new values.

In the second World Bosai Forum (9–12 November 2019) will address the Global Target E” in the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015–2030 that aims to achieve significant increase in the number of countries by 2020 with holding national and regional disaster management strategies. We will share many detailed contents to seek for better reconstruction which contains structural (hard), non-structural (soft) and human-oriented (heart) measures. We will also share how to deal with climate change which is getting more serious in recent years, how to apply advanced technologies such as AI or IoT technology in disaster risk reduction.

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