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Journal Browser


9 May 2019
New Title Oceans Seeking Founding Editor-in-Chief

Oceans is an international, peer-reviewed open access journal which is aiming to provide cutting-edge research related to all aspects of oceanography. We are now seeking a founding Editor-in-Chief to develop Oceans into a leading flagship journal in this field.

The main responsibilities of the Editor-in-Chief include the following:

  • Setting the scope and direction of the journal
  • Advising on the strategic development of the journal
  • Ensuring the quality of the published content
  • Coordinating the Editorial Board and stimulating their contributions to the journal
  • Promoting the journal at scientific conferences and through other venues

A full application for evaluation should include these items:

  • An up-to-date CV
  • A description of the candidate’s vision for Oceans.

Applications are due by 9th July 2019. Please send your application or any questions to the Oceans Editorial Office ([email protected]).

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